The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

It is the source of all true art and science.

He to whom the emotion is a stranger,

who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead

—his eyes are closed.

The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also

given rise to religion.

To know what is impenetrable to us really exists,
manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty,

which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms — this knowledge,

this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness.”

-Albert Einstein.


The Universe as we perceive it, observe it and experience it is not all there IS.

This formless substance is pure energy – a vibrating, pulsating, resonating, magnetizing Force.

At the molecular level constantly in MOTION.

When addressing this wonderful idea, we have the choice of three different Aspects which make up the One.

In spiritual terms as God, Higher Power, Spirit or the Universe.

In mental terms as Infinite Intelligence, Universal Mind, Divine Mind,

Formless Substance.

In scientific terms as Energy or Relativity or further more into Quantum Physics, where it is known as the Field of All Possibilities.

The mental, the spiritual, and the scientific aspects of the laws of life - any or all of it is there, for this Power - however we may conceive it - is the source of everything we desire.

It is perpetually awaiting our recognition and will create, attract, and guide us to inspired Action.

It will magnetize and mould itself to whatever form we desire if we align ourselves with it through certain laws – called Universal Laws.

Newtonian physics, or the mechanistic model of life, has coloured our thinking, creative processes, and external structures, for a while now, making us believe in duality and separation as ultimate realities.

But with the insights gained through Quantum Physics, alongside the wisdom of the Great Mystics, it is now known that this may be seen as more of an ‘Omni-Action’ than mere interaction, a Unified Field out of which multiplicity arises – the ONE appearing as the many.

As we dive deeper into the nature of reality, as described by cutting- edge Quantum physics and Mystics of every age, these ideas reveal themselves as a magnificent all-encompassing truth which in essence is the all that IS.

More than just giving us a larger framework in which to live in, this new model of life enables us to depend more on the invisible side of reality - ‘Primary Causation’ – than the visible.

We now know that the Atom, once believed to be the building block of life, is not solid at all - it is 99.999% empty space.

Hence, what we perceive with our senses, what we have built our whole world on, is based on 0.001% of reality.

If that number represented our level of sight, we would be walking around blind – which turns out to be truer than most care to admit.

So it would appear that everything is made up of nothing.

But this ‘nothing’ is quite full of ‘Something’ – vibrating with Energy and Information, it is the field of all that is - a field of Creation, a field of Opportunities and Life.

Within this field are we - like a wave upon the ocean - individual but inseparable.

When we understand that we are not merely a person, but much more a state of consciousness without boundaries, we confront the reality that everything and everyone ‘out there’ is actually an extension of that which is ‘in here’.

This invisible Realm of Energy and information is where divine ideas exist - where the flower blooms even before it emerges from a seed.

where the perfect idea of YOU is before you are born, and where the perfect idea behind everything, known and unknown, resides - waiting to be discovered.

The nature of the Eternal Realm, whether we call it God, Higher Power, or the Quantum Field, is Omnipresent, or in other words Everywhere-Present simultaneously.

But as that idea of Omnipresence breaks into space, it takes on progressive expressions of being everywhere present.

Our history of movement may well be seen as an example of the application of these laws into what we call our experience of life.

In this reality where the unfolding of the eternal idea of Omnipresence is consequent and expanding, we are actually Co-Creators on the ‘Cutting Edge’ of this field.