The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘If the whole universe has no meaning,

we should never have found out that it has no meaning –

just as if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes,

we should never have known it was dark.

Dark would be without meaning’

- C. S. Lewis.

the First CAUSE

Co-creation is the divine idea behind all Forms of existence.

An idea which is uniquely expressed through each of us.

This understanding of these fundamental archetypes or building-blocks of the Quantum or Spiritual realms are Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Infinity, and Eternity.

As we look around, we see unlimited forms of power, in people and objects, in an ever-expanding expression.

Omniscience – All Knowing, All Intelligence - hence, for example our ability to access almost any channel of knowledge we could ever need as an expression of this idea, as well as an expression of Omnipotence and Omnipresence.

We could also look at the idea of Infinity and realize that all expressions of space are relative expressions of this idea.

We contemplate Eternity, and realize that all expressions of time are expressions of that as well.

Once we have fully grasped these forms we further more come to the understanding that ideas such as Love, Peace, Freedom, Joy, Prosperity, Well-Being and Harmony are but expressions of these ideas, mixed and matched in an infinitely unique variety.

In this unified Field of Expression, we are completely supported.

Everything is conspiring to awaken us to our True Identity and fulfilment of our Great Destiny.

We can relax into this truth, lean on it, and from this deeper sense of peace naturally allow our life to unfold in ways that are truly beyond our imagination.

When we realize the true nature of life and see that everything is already in this field within us, we drop the struggle.

We discover that self-actualization and true fulfilment are not about adding anything, but about SEEing our True Self.

Releasing everything, and allowing our life to unfold according to its perfect pattern.

As described by many authors, Artists, and Composers going through the process of creativity where they experience a sudden ‘Tapping Into’ this Dimension of their being, through which they can SEE the whole painting already done, or SENSE the whole book already written, or literally HEAR the completed piece of music playing.

In this ‘State of BEing’ we find ourselves as CHANNELS of CREATION taking ‘Divine Dictation’.