The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘All that we are is -

the result of what we have thought,

What we think, we become.’

- Buddha.

universal THOUGHT

The law of attraction “began at the Beginning of Time”.

Evidence to this theory has been found in relics of many ancient cultures and old civilizations throughout History.

The existence of the ‘LAW’ was recorded on the Emerald tablet, dated 3000 BC - with the Inscription - ‘As WITHIN, so WITHOUT’.

The ideas that make up the Law of Attraction can be also found in writings of all faith based religions throughout the centuries, to this day.

The Bible is filled with stories of individuals applying the Law of Attraction to tremendous effect, only they did not call it that.

Abraham, Moses, King Solomon, Paul, even Job - they all used it.

So did Mohammed.

As did Buddha, waiting by the stream for Enlightenment to come, Knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would.

The Law of Attraction is the farthest thing from New Age.

It is timeless, and its application is as ancient as the origins of humanity.

The Law of Attraction is in agreement with religion because it recognizes a force that is at once part of us and greater than us, and from which all things flow.

That ‘Source Energy’ has many different names, but whichever one we choose to call it, the concept is the same.

In essence, it is merely in our role to express a desire and then to trust this greater power to guide us there, in doing so, ALLOWING - ‘GOD’S WILL’, to Be Done.

It is the very core of Faith - and it is precisely what the Law of Attraction teaches.

There is nothing in the Law of Attraction that defies or negates any Religious Teachings.

For instance -
“Ask and Ye shall Receive” said Jesus,
and so does, the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction preaches Acceptance – It teaches us how to become vibrationally Aligned with the idea of receiving that which we have asked for.

Once we have Asked for whatever it is we wish to receive, the Universe has already begun the process of delivering it to us.

The difference between this concept and religious doctrine is really just a matter of semantics.

If the word ‘ASK’ is replaced with the word ‘PRAY’ and the word ‘UNIVERSE’ with the word ‘GOD’ we realize we have literally summarized what pretty much every great world religion has to say on the subject.

Welcoming ‘GOD’S LOVE’ into our heart is the same as the practice of ALLOWING in the Law of Attraction.

Resistance is resistance, whether we are resisting God or resisting our own ‘Deservingness’ of being Happy and fulfilled.

Trust is trust, whether we are trusting God or trusting that whatever we ask for, we are given - if only we are ready to Receive it.

For a Buddhist the ultimate purpose of life is liberation through purification of the mind.

In order to achieve this State of Mind one learns to practice Detachment instead of Attachment.

However, this could be fully achieved only by renunciation of everything existential and eventually becoming a Monk.

Ordinary people still expect Earthly Pleasure, and rightfully so.

In ‘The DHAMMAPADA’ - which is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form, known as the Buddhist Scriptures - first and second verses says that -
“ALL that we are, IS the result of,
what we have THOUGHT”

and goes on to explain the misery that results from negative thoughts, as well as the joy that follows positive thoughts.

The Dhammapada also states that a “trained MIND brings HEALTH and HAPPINESS.”

Throughout Buddhism, ‘The Power of Mind’ is emphasised.

Accordingly one can achieve good Karma’ by having wholesome thoughts or positive thoughts all the time.

‘Loving Kindness Meditation’ in Buddhism if practised continuously with devotion would definitely bring marvellous result in changing the character for the better.

‘Loving Kindness Meditation’ starts with wishing kindness and compassion to own self, then one would spread the net of ‘Loving Kindness’ to all, including people one does not like, gradually.

This Auto-suggestive Messaging Method as applied during The Law of attraction practice could be regarded as an extension of the same concept of ‘Loving Kindness’ on one’s own Self.

In Jewish Religion, The Law of Attraction is a popular idea that states that a person’s attitude attracts matching occurrences.

Pessimism attracts misfortune, while optimism attracts good fortune.

The power of attitude to change the flow of a person’s life is a tacit assumption of much of the ‘TORAH’ Literature – the central reference of the religious Judaic Tradition - particularly in that most influential source of common wisdom, ‘PSALMS’ -
“One who trusts in GOD, KINDNESS surrounds him!” and,
“Fortunate is the man,
who puts his TRUST in GOD!”

The sages of the ‘TALMUD’ – which is the collection of writings comprising the central text of Rabbinic Judaism - similarly appear to take this law for granted.

For example, in dismissing as useless superstition a Folk-Omen to determine whether one’s journey will meet with success or doom, the sages advise:

“But do not do it.”

Why not?

“Because perhaps the omen will be negative,
the person will worry,
and his fortune will go sour.”

The ‘ZOHAR ‘– the foundational work in the literature of Jewish Mystical Thought known as - the ‘KABBALAH’ - describes this optimism effect in cosmic terms.

The Lower World is always ready to RECEIVE and is called a Precious Stone.

The Upper World only gives it according to its state.

If its state is of a bright countenance from below, in the same manner it is shone upon from above.

but if it is in sadness, it is correspondingly given Judgement.

Similarly, it is written:

“Serve GOD with JOY

— because HUMAN JOY draws another, SPIRITUAL JOY!

Thus, just as the Lower World is crowned, so it draws from above.

It is in essence a Super-Rational conviction, one that has proven itself more powerful than any other idea in human history - That Life is Good, because its Maker is Good, hence, our Task in life is to Prove it So.

In Islam one finds a path of personal growth and spiritual development, ultimately culminating in awakening to the Divine Presence of God.

A very important idea in Islam, is optimism and the application of Positive Thinking.

Based upon the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, this Path of personal development is known as - ‘AL-TARIQUAH’, and is also referred to in Arabic as ‘TAZKIYYAT AN-NAFS’, or “Purification of the Self,” and in English as ‘SUFISM’.

The Prophet taught that the means to such purification is a Way known as complete ‘SURRENDER’- through spiritual surrender, a human being will ultimately become purified of the source of negativity, fear and anger, that source being the Ego.

According to the teachings of the law of attraction “our LIFE is a MIRROR of our THOUGHTS”, thus, we are the ones who are responsible for what happens to us, whether it is good or bad.

One cannot deny the fact that it does to a great extent ‘ring true’ and can actually relate to one of the beautiful ‘HADITH QUDUSI’– the collections of the reports claiming to quote what the prophet Muhammad said verbatim on any matter - wherein ‘ALLAH’ says:

“I AM as My servant expects Me to BE”.

Replacing what the law of attraction calls the ‘Universal Power’ with ‘Allah’, we find what it says is somewhat conforming with what ‘Allah’ commands.

In other words, that we supplicate with conviction and without having any doubts that our prayers are answered.

The practice of GRATEFULNESS and Gratitude are as well an integral part in the Teachings of the Islam.

One should feel grateful for the Good Things in one’s life and busy one's heart and mind with feeling Joyous for the great things one already has instead of feeling sorry for those one does not have.

The law of attraction says that by so doing, one is INVITING more good events into one’s life.

Again avoiding the absolute control of human power alluded to here, this more or less conforms with what Allah says in the ‘QURAN’ – the central religious text of Islam - “And when your Lord warned: If you are grateful, I shall increase My favours upon you …” - Qur’an (14:7)

Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In one of his famous sermons Jesus directed his followers to ask for what they want with the Faith and Belief that they already had it.

In fact, he said anything that you ask for in a Spirit of Faith and Belief you would get.

According to The law of attraction Anything we give our Energized Thoughts to, and by energized is specifically meant Emotionalized Thoughts - thoughts mixed with Strong Emotions like excitement, Love, fear, anxiety, these will super-charge Thought Energy and set the Law of Attraction in Motion.

A clear example of this can be seen in Job 3:25, when he says:

“Because a dreadful thing I have dreaded; it has come upon me.

And what I have been scared of comes to me.”

The premise upon which the law of attraction is based on, is -

‘A Request with A Promise’ -

And is to be found dozens of times throughout the Bible.

The King James Version of the Bible says in Matthew 21:22 -


ye shall ASK in prayer, BELIEVING,

ye shall RECEIVE.”

The law of attraction says that anything you think about long enough and with enough Emotion, you will attract to you.

In other words, ask and it is given.

The law of attraction also touches on the idea that if our vibrational state, or our INTERNAL ENERGY, raises to a new, higher level, then the world around us will magically change to fit that vibration.

Conversely, if we operate on a lower vibrational frequency, our surroundings will match that as well.

In a scripture from the Bible-Titus (1:15) explains:

“To the pure all things are pure:

but to them that are defiled and unbelieving, is nothing pure;

but even their mind and conscience is defiled.”

A person with a pure heart can be in the same geographical location as another with a defiled frame of thought.

The pure will see and experience nothing but purity, and in the exact same physical environment, the defiled will see and experience nothing but misery.