The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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“The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude.”

- Charles Haanel.

a Field of INFINITE possibilities

Some of us use it unconsciously but do not know how it works.

This ‘Law’ actually works through our thought patterns.

When we think of something, vibrations are sent from the mind to the outside world and these vibrations act as a magnet that attracts what thoughts we have.

The universe and the law of attraction are simply responding to our thought patterns - real or imagined, current or remembered.

Whatever evidence we see around us is nothing more than the manifestational indicator of our thought.

Therefore, there is no such thing as an unchangeable condition.

However, in order to deliberately be able to benefit from this given universal power it requires an understanding of its basic traits, with the emphasis on the practice of our guidance system represented by our Emotions, and a willingness to deliberately focus upon - ‘THINGS that, make us, FEEL GOOD’.

The Law responds to our thought, not to our current reality.

The Law of Attraction says that that which is like unto itself, is drawn.

In other words, that which we think, in any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts that are like it.

When we withdraw our attention from those ‘things’ which are not pleasing, and we put our attention upon those things’ which are pleasing, those pleasing things begin to become more abundant, while those ‘none pleasing things’ become rarer, until eventually, those ‘none pleasing things’ cannot be part of our experience because we will have eliminated the attraction factor from our vibration - hence, what we think and what we get always matches.

That is why whenever we are thinking about a subject that is not pleasant, more unpleasant thoughts regarding that subject are quickly drawn.

We find ourselves, in very short order, literally creating more of the undesired incidents.

When we change the thought, our reality must follow suit.

If things are going very well for us right now, then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things that are happening now that are not pleasing, we must find a way of taking our attention away from those unwanted things.

We have the ability to focus our thoughts — about ourselves, about our body, and about the things that matter to us – in order to move in a different direction from what is happening right now.

We also have the ability to imagine things that are coming or to remember things that have happened before, with the deliberate intent of finding good-feeling things to think and speak about.

In other words, we can quickly change our patterns of thought, and therefore our vibration, and eventually find alignment with which we desire.

For instance, when we would maintain a thought pattern of a childhood friend throughout the day, the brain will send out vibrations and attract things about that friend, eventually, we may be contacted by this friend or somebody may mention something about that particular friend.

Another example reveals yet another aspect of the law:

If we proceed with the thought pattern of -

“I do not wish to spill this drink on my new shirt” - we very quickly realize that the ‘Law’ ignores the ‘NOT’ part of the thought.

In fact, it only and at all times responds to the key words and acts.

So that the rephrasing of the above thought pattern into -

“My shirt remains clean” -

will eventually bring about the requested result.

Therefore, In accordance with this understanding we now are aware of the importance of - ‘thinking in a positive form’ pattern as a precursor for getting the desired results.

Positive Mental Attitude – known as PMA - is the philosophy of having an optimistic disposition in every situation in one’s life attracts positive changes and increases achievement.

Adherents employ a state of mind that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances.

It opposes negativity, defeatism and hopelessness.

Optimism and hope are vital to the development of A Positive Mental Attitude.