The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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“Dare to love yourself as if

you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”



The SELF when truly understood, is already perfect.

Just as any seed of a flower contains the flower in itself in all its magnificence, the Self has everything it needs to fulfil its higher purpose.

When the inner conditions are right, it naturally emerges, Bigger, Better, and more Abundantly than we can imagine.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of what we are taught directs us away from our Self.

The obsessive drive to improve ourselves not only takes us further from true fulfilment, and covers up our original perfection, it ingrains many of us with a sense that we are more broken than when we have begun.

The very act of trying to improve ourselves often carries with it a seed of inadequacy that can grow into a larger feeling of lack, requiring greater attempts at self-improvement.

We need only look to nature for clues about how we are really meant to grow -

Does the Seed of Flower have to improve itself in order to become a flower?

Does the Caterpillar have to improve itself to become a Butterfly?

The lack of awareness, or repression, of this authentic Self is at the root of the ingrained discontent most of us feel.

We have been born into a belief that our fate is determined by external conditions.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Like the Flower, we already have the perfect ‘Blue-Print’ and Mechanics within us to fulfil our greatest potential.

All that we need to do is create the right conditions and that potential will emerge organically.

The basic principle is as follows:

When we tap into the seed of Divinity Within us, and cultivate the conditions for its growth, no matter what limitations appear out there, the destiny for which we were born will emerge as naturally as the seed blooms into a Flower.

But whereas the seed is indigenous because its successful emergence is determined by external conditions, humans are endogenous, because our unfolding is determined by internal conditions.

This is a great truth that can set us free to realize that no matter what side of the tracks we were born on, no matter what the current conditions are out there, and no matter what race, colour, or creed we are, when we create the right inner conditions, the greatness already within us will unfold.