The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘We are what we think.

We become what we believe.

Our life is what we visualize.

Our life is what we say it is’.

-Barbara Berger.

Illusions Apparent

But that is not how most of us were raised.

We were raised to believe we are victims of external conditions, and that our external conditions, to a greater or lesser extent, determine how high we will grow and how far we will go.

Most of the tools we are using to grow ourselves, our businesses, our families, and our organizations to the next level are artefacts of an old evolutionary paradigm based in duality, scarcity, and a Newtonian model of cause and effect - all of which have been shattered by discoveries in the fields of Quantum Physics, Cutting-Edge Brain Science, and Mind-Body Medicine.

Even many sincere spiritual teachings of the new age when not combined with an understanding of this law, often lead to just spiritual materialism - causing the same stress, struggle, fear, and failure that so many of us suffer from.

We are brought up with a material concept of the world, believing the concept of an inner world and an outer world which are somehow separated.

But this is an optical illusion - or delusion.

In other words -

Everything we feel, see, taste, touch, as well as every relationship we have happens – FIRST, in our consciousness.

This is a liberating realization because it puts the full determining factor of our experience squarely on us, rather than anything or anyone out there.

This is a position of ultimate empowerment as we learn to RE -emerge into the role of the Authors and Authorities of our life.

Clearly the fact that our waking world FEELS real does not make it true.

Our eyes do not actually see, nor do our fingers feel.

Our MIND does!

We do not see because we have eyes, we have eyes because seeing is a quality of our consciousness. As we come into this new awareness, another realization emerges – all power resides in consciousness, hence in US.

With this in mind we may find that even while practising spiritual principles, we will - at first at least - fall back into this pattern of thought, making us believe there are still outer forces which determine, to some extent, who we can become and what we can achieve.

These beliefs we harbour in us were given to us along our journey by authority figures in our immediate environment - as we were growing up, during our formative years - such as our parents, family members, teachers and so on.

Later to be reinforced in a wider spread manner through governments, communities and institutions around us.

All of which leads us to a whole Belief System that has us waiting for things to change externally in order for us to live the life of our Dreams.