The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘The most wasted of all days is one without laughter’.

- Nicolas Chamfort.

Re-claiming BLISS

At the heart of the Law of Attraction is the following thought pattern -

Everything you could ever want or want to be, everything you will ever have or achieve, is already happening now.

You do not have to wait another moment, another day, another season, you just have to ACCEPT it!

Your task at hand is nothing more than to create a practice and structure that keeps you in the FEELING of it, then begin ‘Dancing to that Beat’ of Abundance, Prosperity and Well-Being.

The Life of your Dreams begins to evolve all around you.

Serendipities and Synchronicities are part of your daily experience.

Momentum has been created. You are Now.

You are your Visions,
You are your Aspirations,
You are your Desires.

You cannot be ‘IN-JOY’ while dwelling on your financial challenges, or your health worries, or your relationship issues.

The very act of giving it thought empowers it further whatever it is, for better or for worse.

‘In OPTIMISM there is - MAGIC.

In pessimism there is nothing. In POSITIVE EXPECTATION - there is thrill and SUCCESS. In pessimism or awareness of what is not wanted - there is nothing’.

Our way out of doubt and challenge is to redefine our RELATIONSHIP with the Stream of Well-Being and learn to Trust it.

We will find it is in fact nothing more than the Art of moving our GAZE in the desired direction.

When we deliberately change our perspective - for instance by making a CONSCIOUS CHOICE over the people around us with whom we interact, or by choosing the places we choose to spend our time exploring - we gradually become familiar with the concept of JOY.

Once we have found this place, and we establish the EXPERIENCE of positive expectation, The Universe immediately sets on providing us with Evidence of that Well-Being, moving People, Circumstances, and Events to bring us that Joy.

We become familiar in our knowing that - all IS well.