The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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“First comes thought;

then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans;

then transformation of those plans into reality.

The beginning,

as you will observe, is in your imagination”.

- Napoleon Hill.

NOW and nothing but

In the course of our life and at various times during any given year, we find ourselves contemplating about our future:

...‘Will we have one -

will it be better or worse -

what do we have to do to make it brighter -

do we even have any control over it?’...

It is as such a constant concern which puts us in a chronic state of fear and anxious anticipation on the one hand or positive expectation on the other.

But both attitudes can be limiting in a way, as both create a separation from the thing we want.

The truth is, we do not have a future any more than we have a past.

The past is a memory, the future is a fantasy, and even the present is imagination.

All we have is NOW.

This is different from the present, where we can still be experiencing reality through the filters of our perceptions and projections.

But in the real now, the eternal unchanging now, there is a perfect pattern of INFINITE

GOOD that has nothing to do with our thoughts about it, is not a product of our past, and will not someday come in our future.

In this now moment, every Real Thing that ever was or ever will be, is fully present.

The best possible idea and expression of all that is, is here now, fully expressed.

It cannot be achieved, it cannot be earned, it cannot be improved upon, and it cannot be destroyed. It IS what IS, and it is the only thing that is.

And YOU are IT.

Our real ‘LIFE’S WORK’ or purpose, if you will - is to stop anticipating some future, but to start participating in it now.

We must tune in, tap in, and open up to this IS, so that it can fully shine through and as us, making us instruments through which its eternal music plays - filaments through which its light shines.

This is what Plato’s ‘Realm of Perfect Forms’ represents, or Buddha’s ‘Nirvana’, or Jesus’ ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ – to which he said was at hand now, even though the people kept asking him-

‘when is HEAVEN coming’.

So why is this important to know - What IS the practical purpose of such a philosophical perspective?

Because until we accept this, the majority of our efforts - even our spiritual or self-help efforts - will be projecting our good into the future, coming from a sense of separation from the thing or condition we want, and will always create more lack or limitation.

Even if we get the thing we affirm, pray about, or strive for, we run the risk of disappointment as we may discover we have not found THE Peace, THE Joy, and THE Fulfilment that is always actually what we were really seeking.

The reason is that in all of our desires, the only thing we are really after is the ‘State of Being’ which that achievement of that desire would bring us, and that can never be found in the future or in any condition, but only in the now, in our activation and acceptance of it as our Intrinsic Nature.

It may help to picture it as follows -

Your favourite music is already broadcasting, but you must tune into that station where it is playing.

When you do, you will hear that …‘Rhythm of JOY and the symphony of SUCCESS’.

You will have achieved Vibrational Alignment, and only then a ‘MANIFESTATION’ of your Desires is an Immediate GIVEN.