The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘When you Dance, Your Purpose is not to get

to a certain Place on the floor.

It is, to enJOY each step, along the way’.

- Wayne Dyer.


Mine is quite an ordinary one.

It is neither an adventure filled Story of courageous pilgrimages to Ancient sacred cities of the past in pursuit of some magic word or formula of sorts, nor of ‘a life threatening experience’ of any kind.

Since I can remember myself I have always been on a spiritual quest, and still am.

My quests however have been and still are for the most part inwardly oriented, as it is my strong belief that, that which we spend a life time searching for is in us waiting to be tapped on and RE-kindled, at all times.

We all carry this magical potential of everything we are really meant to BE.

We are so designed!

My ‘Epiphany! - Moment’ revealed itself unexpectedly as I was going through long forgotten personal belongings in my cellar one day and stumbled upon the book - ‘PollyAnna’ a best-selling 1913 novel by Eleanor H. Porter.

As it may well be that you are not familiar with this term, as it came to be later, I am enclosing a short Essay as an Appendix at the end of this book, should you care to read more about it.

But actually the Story of events has little to do with the essence of the revelation, and the immense effect it had on me at the moment I rediscovered it so many years later.

In this very Single moment the answer to everything I have been searching for, for decades, was wonderfully made clear to me.

Experiencing long periods of deliberate alignment, during which life seemed to FLOW in perfect synchronisation, with my visions and Aspirations - The universe presenting me wonderful gifts of Joy, Love and Abundance with absolutely no effort on my part, and then again, times when all but the above was present. Thinking I must have made a wrong turn, somehow, somewhere, I would then set upon trying to put some more effort and force myself back into reaching this lost state of BLISS.

Each and every time going through the process of RE-calibrating myself anew, with a growing sense I was missing something, some elusive ‘detail of utmost importance’ that which brings it all about so perfectly in place.

And so it came to be that at that moment, holding that book in my hands I recognized beyond any doubt this truth revealed to me in its full magnificence yet simplistic genius.

The pattern I was following only intuitively for years became real and tangible for the first time.

That was IT.

You see, up until this moment I was not fully aware of this ‘Waltz Dance’ I was performing for quite some time now as being an indicator - and as such pointing - in the direction of my visions all along.

I must admit I was neither as a child nor later on, a great fan of ‘PollyAnna’.

This happened much later on, only after ‘the Re Discovery’.

I was anything but ‘Pollyannaish’ as a young girl, carrying with me a sense of ‘Love-Hate’ relationship towards this character.

But fortunately for me as it happened to be, the MESSAGE of it had been subliminally delivered all along.

So as I was intuitively led into following her footsteps, I was secretly initiated into this magnificent Ritual so as to later on be able to recognize the life force it carries with it and turning this Message into a Conscious Decision to live by.