The Glad Game Revisited - Your 21 Day into Vibrational Alignment - Book I - Divine Orchestration by Alva v.H - HTML preview

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‘The limits you may currently experience within you,
have given you the idea that Awakening and Enlightenment, as you know it, are your end goal.

Be assured,

Even your most happy and loving expectations, are just a glimmer’
of all the great and powerful potential
YOU personally are intended to have and use as the YOU are intended to BE’.

- From the teachings of Abraham.

YOUR Journey begins -

Since you have chosen this book to accompany you at this time It can be assumed that you may have gone through your share of disappointments along the way, and therefore understandably must be harbouring resentments, feelings of powerlessness and self-doubt within.

Or it may well be that you find yourself in the midst of some ‘undesirable situation’ at this time in your life experience.

You may be suffering the loss of a loved one or a soul-mate.

You may be bodily in a compromising situation.

Maybe your financial well-being is being threatened.

All of which are serious predicaments, and they certainly seem to appear so from where you stand right now, very disarming and insurmountable, I agree.

That is why you were intuitively directed to the Message which makes up this book so as to present yourself with the Chance out of this reality, and You Will!

This book is so designed in order to gently guide you on your way back to your normal State of being, like coming back Home - from a place of fragmentation, self-doubt and powerlessness to one of true understanding and appreciation of who you truly are.

By the time you have finished reading and implementing this process you will be able to see more clearly.

In other words, beyond Reality and further into Acceptance, Resolve, Healing, Well-Being, Abundance, and Prosperity.

Able to move forward to the NOW you really deserve and the YOU that you truly are!

In order for us to start ‘on the right foot’ though, I would like to make a few suggestions.

I will be sharing my knowledge with you on faith.

In return I ask of you to follow just a few principles to the best of your ability.


That is, patient with me and my assumptions, ideas and convictions.

Patient with these teachings, the book, and the process ahead.

But first and foremost be patient with yourself, which means truly and honestly appreciating where you are right now at this moment, all set to take action.

Although You may experience Grand Moments that will lift you up, some discouraging ones that would threaten to rob you of your faith and energy, may also be in store for you as part of the process.

That is why you are to remind yourself at all times, that you have made a CHOICE and a courageous one at that.

Give yourself time and space to let things unfold as they should.


The knowledge and assumptions I will be sharing with you may at times seem rather odd, to contradict or not follow your own set of beliefs at best.

Bear in mind though, deliberate change requires courage, and you have proven that already.

Your courageous nature emerged by your initial act of will.

Your desire to welcome the change brought you here and now!

When in DOUBT -

Take a break and contemplate the following - Will it be possible for you to just for a while ‘make - believe’!? actually pretend you accept and are in accordance with ‘this nonsense’... - which is exactly the terminology your subconscious mind will be using at the onset.

What could really happen then?!

Ask yourself this question and set your mind accordingly.

You will find it easier to move on, at least for a while longer...


Do not let emerging doubts and worries turn on you to the point of deterring you from pursuing with your quest.

Move on, even when but in small steps. Better yet -

You do not want to rush it anyway although it is understandable you would tend to want to do exactly that at least initially.

But know this -

It is best you go at it slowly and continuously rather than forcing it ‘into being’ all at once, only to encounter growing inner conflict and disappointment.

It is very important that you do not see this experience as a burden or a chore to be done. Instead, let your intuition guide you through it with Ease and IN Joy!