The Great Life Swindle by Laura Tong & Mark Tong - Global Feel Good Company - HTML preview

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Who are You Taking Advice from?

“We’ve been told that if it’s difficult, it isn’t worth it and if it’s difficult we won’t make it. But the people that are making it realize that it is hard but they can make it - and sometimes it could actually be fun as well".

“So why don't we believe we can make it?"

"Because we need to start seriously looking at who we're taking advice from, hanging around, learning from. Check them out, it doesn’t take long, or probing, or complicated research. Just look at them."

"Okay and then what?"

"Ask ourselves are they living proof of what they are telling us? No! Of course not because those people are busy getting on with the business of minding their own business and unless we ask, they probably wouldn’t think to interfere in ours..."

"Being far too busy with their own?"

"Correct. It’s the ones with all the time in the world that are keen to foist their ridiculous, ill-founded, ignorant, unwanted and dangerous theories onto others. These people should be rounded up and branded."

"Indelibly branded on their foreheads?"

"Yes, so that the rest of us could see them coming and organize the building of a wall that the Chinese would be proud of to make sure...


...There is one rule which must be followed when these people appear jump up and run for it! If you’ve got the guts, it’s best to add a scream of get away from me you fucker! And if you really care for humanity, gesticulate wildly to point out this asshole to everyone around who might otherwise be infected by their disease."

"Perhaps just a little bit over-dramatic?"

"Over-dramatic! These swindling bastards are entirely, wholly and completely responsible for the situation we're in now. Let that sink in a short while. Once the brain has really taken this in, it could be safely guaranteed that you will have no trouble screaming in their face, pointing them out for a crack-trained marksmen to pick off because anything else, really would be too good for them."

"All sounds a bit violent, but needs must and all that. I'm in!"

"Now, the really good thing is that from here on in, we can no longer blame these messengers of doom because now we know that we need to steer clear, keep our ears closed to the nonsense that will otherwise rot our brains from the inside, there really is no excuse for continuing to listen to them.


"That's the good thing!...yeah...the good how...?"

"Okay, okay so a few questions have no doubt surfaced."

"Yeah, like firstly, aren’t they going to think us rather rude?"

"Honestly? Yes. Yes they are. They are going to think that we're really, rather rude. And yet here is the really weird thing - if someone were to actually take someone else’s life, that is the ultimate in rude really, and wrong, and all the other associated feelings that go with such an act. But wait up! If we have established that you can’t live a life that is over, then how does it differ in real terms, if they have swindled you out of your life, out of the fantastic life you could have been living if you hadn't been surrounded from birth by swindlers, rogues and clowns like this?"


"For clarity, maybe a few examples would be helpful, as unwanted advice can be hard to spot even though it isn’t disguised. Maybe it's because it isn’t considered rude to pass on ‘helpful’ recommendations without first checking what plan the recipient of your ‘knowledge’ is on. Think about it for a sec, would you help a blind man across the street without first, checking that he wanted to be on the other side?"


"Why not? Could it be that because otherwise the poor bastard wouldn’t know where the fuck he was and wouldn’t even know how to get back on his route."

"Something like that."

 "Well, we're no different when someone sets us off on a path we don’t want and didn’t ask to be set on. "Can I help you?" that’s the worst one. It sounds so good, free advice, great! Great my ass! It all comes down to the fact that on the whole we listen because otherwise it might be considered rude, offensive and we've been taught to listen to swindlers by swindlers themselves - it's a vicious circle. In truth, the more practised we become, the more likely we're to find other ways to say it, other ways to leave and have no dealings with those people but equally it doesn’t matter if we don’t. It is a hard fact of life that maybe not everyone is going to be everyone’s best and sometimes people may try to avoid us because we're ‘rude’, ‘different’, ‘insensitive’, 'wankers'".

Let’s hope so!

"Imagine we're chatting in a restaurant over something deep fried and delicious with a vat of a sauce that is so good we want to drink it all."

"Is this significant to the scenario?"

"No, but why not enjoy it all the more? We're discussing, at a fair level of decibels, our current situation and how we would like life to be more exciting, vibrant, full of expectation for future achievement and feeling great. If someone were to interject with a ‘ I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation’ kind of thing, then a) we know that our plan, or at least our aim is known to them. Now all we have to do is b) check that they are living proof of such a life otherwise they can fuck off and leave us to our sauce which is clearly, way more palatable than anything they have to offer."

"The tragedy is we've been listening to them before we could even sit in a high chair in a restaurant. Listening to them forever, listening to the fucked-in-the-head crap that they have been spouting...and the worst of it all is that sometimes these ‘people’, these felons of crimes against humanity, are people we know! Friends! Family!"


"Yes some of them are parents! And many don't even realize they are perpetuating this swindle onto yet another generation - well meaning but honestly! Stop! Take stock of life as it presents now for that is what lays ahead and ask was it really worth all the sperm and sweating and labor pains for that to be perpetuated, ad infinitum? The poor little bastard doesn’t want to go to school for 16 years, then work for 44 or more, then if it survives, sit in slippers for the remaining 5 or 6 wondering what the fuck happened to it's life and what the fuck to do with what remains."

"But then again, if that's your bag, then fine. But that wouldn't be us shouting our opinion all over the place, would it?"

"Bloody right. people can choose to listen or not, it's not directed specifically at anyone in particular, just an observation for those like us that have been looking for something else."

"So for all of us, the opportunity to think for ourselves and make our own plans and future could be the answer to it all, rather than being the bastard thing in life we do our best to avoid...ooh that's gonna hurt."

"True but isn’t that why God or the Government invented TV and jobs?

"That is very true but surely if the transition from where you are now, to where you want to be, isn’t instant, then there must be people at various stages along their path. Maybe we might bump into someone who is nearing the Nirvana of their aim but hasn’t quite completed it all. Or someone who has just seen the light and now sees that there are other ways, although ideas and experience are still thin on the ground. What about those who are half in and half out of the swindle as it were? Do we need to stay away from them?"

"Probably not, but, and it is an enormous elephant sized BUT, we need to be very on the ball because even though they are on the path to where we're heading, they might fall off and when that happens, others can go too and we don’t want to be the ones that fell by the wayside..."

"Too right!"

"Especially as we were actually making progress and had actually learnt some very valuable lessons. These people and us; we could have a lot to offer each other in terms of support, encouragement, fuck it having fun and basically just knowing we aren’t the only ones in the whole universe who feel that life could be better, no life could be great!"

"Maybe it’s just a case of hanging on to that idea and making sure that our chosen company have done so too".


Life Rule For The Common Man no.6

You don't have to listen to crap whoever it comes from.

No fucker has the right to swindle you out of your future.



This exercising our right to choose is bloody hard. It's not surprising many people think it is impossible.


"There is an all pervading, general unwritten ruling about behavior, social codes of conduct which, were it to be written down, would probably fill the Vatican, three times over in 30,000 volumes, divided into categories to cover every situation with sub-clauses and sections to ensure no eventuality was left unscripted."

"That would be very impressive."

"Consider the laws of the USA, their statue books now proudly hold over one million laws, which might take the average person, seven average lifetimes to even read through, without allowing time for understanding fuck all they’re actually reading."

" How on earth are they supposed to be upheld?"

"Precisely my point. It's either a complete mystery or they aren't supposed to be adhered to, and it's just people like the old, you and I that try and follow them all. Those rules might take at least seven lifetimes to digest and yet we have tried to follow them all, in every situation! And after extensive study and research at great personal cost, it can be written here in black and white, without excuse; that adherence to all the rules has left us confused, frustrated, knackered and even slightly paranoid."

It can’t happen.

They cannot all be adhered to.

"Hell, half of them wouldn’t even be understood. Why is it rude to call your teacher by their first name when they choose to bark at you with nothing more than a yell of your surname? Why is someone else’s wish to have the window shut, more valid than yours, when you're sweltering? It doesn’t make sense."

Imagine if we adhered to our own rules of what is right and wrong, rather than anybody else’s.

"You what?! Be serious."

"Fortunately the Publishers have read ahead of us, and had the good sense to make this page 73% more e-absorbent than those preceding or following, because they knew there would be a great deal of spitting and frothing at the very idea of everyone playing by their own rules:

"It would be sheer bloody chaos!"


"It would be Armageddon"


"How the fuck would anyone know what to do?"

"Maybe they wouldn't. But it is chaos. Armageddon does break out over the simplest of things - at work, in relationships, everywhere - and on the whole, people rarely know what to do, if they are honest enough to admit it. And as a side note, most of those people, those shiny, successful people play by their own rules, there's a clue there somewhere."
