Reiki and Therapeutic Touch
Reiki, massage, and other forms of therapeutic touch have both scientific and unexplained powers of healing. One theory is that the practitioner’s healthy electromagnetic energy current is influencing and stimulating a healthy flow in the client’s field. The client’s field becomes entrained with the practitioner’s healthy field. The client’s field “tones” with the stronger tone of the practitioner’s. If every thought and emotion has a frequency, then the positive intention of love, healing, and allowing permeates the field of the client. Nonresistance and gratitude frequency from the client may further increase the healing. According to Vitale and O’Connor, Reiki has been used to successfully treat pain and depression in post-operation patients (2006). Other modalities such as EFT (emotional freedom techniques/tapping), acupuncture, and acupressure stimulate flow in the client’s field by focusing on particular convergence points of energy known as meridian/acupoints in traditional Chinese medicine or marma points in Ayurveda.
Real Life Practice:
Lying on a flat surface, relaxed with eyes closed and breathing normally, lay your hands on your face, chest, stomach, and hips for two minutes each.
What physical sensations did you feel during your therapeutic self-touch exercise?
What thoughts came up during the exercise?
How do you feel differently mentally, emotionally, and physically after the exercise compared with before?