The Mastery of Change (Free Version) by Sean O'Donoghue Morgan - HTML preview

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Follow the path of causation:

Responsibility→Action with Awareness→Confidence→Success→Generosity

When you take responsibility, you start to see the result of your positive actions and you develop confidence, which causes you to take more action, which gives you even better results, which builds your confidence even more. The result is success as I define it below. When you have an abundance of resources, you are much more likely to give to the world. Generosity is a result of responsibility. In the past, I was looking for my girlfriend to make me feel better about myself. I was being a taker, not a giver. When I realized that my own actions created my life, I started to take positive steps toward well-being. With every positive result of my actions, I gained confidence and took bigger actions. Once I was healthy enough to become self sufficient, I was able be in relationship from a place of generosity.

Let’s use exercise as an example. When you realize that it is through your behavior that you can get into shape, you’re much more likely to go to the gym. When you go to the gym, you notice the benefits of your practice and you feel more confident. This confidence makes you more likely to keep up your gym routine. The increased motivation leads to great physical success. With your great success at the gym, you are more able to help others than if you had never started working out at all. This principle applies for financial and career success, physical well-being, relationship success, and virtually all types of accomplishment.


My Definitions

  • Responsibility-- The point of conscious evolution or realization that you create your circumstances through your thoughts and actions.
  • Confidence-- The resulting attitude of self efficacy or the knowledge that you can achieve.
  • Success-- Possessing health and happiness, manifesting desires, and overcoming challenges.
  • Supersuccess-- Success that is only possible on the foundation of previous accomplishments.
  • Generosity-- Service to others, society, and the world.



Whom or what do you blame for any lack of accomplishment of physical goals?

(ex: I can’t get into shape because I’m too busy.)




Whom or what do you blame for any lack of success with healthy relationships?

(ex: I would have a healthy relationship with my boyfriend if he would pay more attention to me.)




Whom or what do you blame for any lack of achievement with your career and money? (ex: My sales will never improve because of the economy.)




Whom or what do you blame for any lack of achievement with your personal passions? (ex: The entertainment industry is too competitive for me to be a paid singer.)




What benefits do you enjoy from blaming outside forces and people for your circumstances?

List ways you could take responsibility for your own experience in each of the above domains.