How The Mind, Body, and Emotions Affect Each Other
Negative and Positive Feedback Loops
Follow The Paths Of Causation
Healthy Body → Healthy Mind
If your body and brain are nourished, and blood and life force are flowing as they should, your mind will be at ease and happy.
Healthy Mind → Healthy Body
If your thoughts are positive, your body will be relaxed and release pleasure hormones. You will have a better stress response and your body will have better immunity.
Healthy Emotions → Healthy Body
If you allow the energy of emotion to flow with ease through your body, and you smile and laugh, you will experience a range of positive physical effects.
Healthy Body → Healthy Emotions
If your body and brain are nourished, and blood and life force are flowing as they should, you will experience a feeling of positivity called an emotion.
Healthy Emotions → Healthy Mind
If the energy of emotion is flowing freely through your being, your mind will be calm and positive. There will be no reason for fear or survival responses.
Healthy Mind → Healthy Emotions
If your mind is not worried about surviving, you will be relaxed and calm. You will experience a flow of energy in your body known as a positive emotion.
Healthy Emotions → More Healthy Emotions
If you are feeling positive, you are more likely to be receptive to even more positive thoughts and emotions.
Unhealthy Body → Unhealthy Mind
If your body is experiencing a lack of nutrients, sunlight, oxygen, exercise, hydration, or human touch, your mind will go into survival mode and start searching frantically for solutions in fear.
Unhealthy Body → Unhealthy Emotions
If your body is experiencing a lack of nutrients or primal needs, you will feel constricted and tense. Energy will stagnate and you will experience negative emotions.
Unhealthy Mind → Unhealthy Emotions
If your mind is in survival mode, searching frantically for solutions in fear, you will feel constricted and tense. Energy will stagnate and you will experience negative emotions.
Unhealthy Mind → Unhealthy Body
If your mind is in a fearful survival mode, your body will constrict. Stress hormones will be released. Your immunity will be compromised.
Unhealthy Emotions → Unhealthy Mind
If you are tense and constricted, with energy stagnating within you, you will be more likely to have survival/fear based thoughts.
Unhealthy Emotions → Unhealthy Body
If you are experiencing negative stagnant emotional energy and tension, your body will react with stress hormones and your immunity will be compromised. Vital life force will not be able to nourish your physical body.
Unhealthy Emotions → More Unhealthy Emotions
If you are experiencing negative emotions, it is much easier to follow fear-based thought threads that lead to more negative emotions.
So as you can see, just one positive step in any direction has a domino effect causing more positivity for the rest of your life. One step in a negative direction has a domino effect until corrected with one of the personal change practices. Doing anything positive right now will help you forever. By the same token, if you think even one disempowering thought, it will set off a chain of events that will cause negativity in your life and beyond into the outside world. Taking responsibility now can help you heal the hurt that you’ve already caused yourself and the world. Taking responsibility now can help you set off a chain of positivity. This is your legacy.
In what ways have negative emotions affected your body and mind?
(ex: Anger gives me headaches and causes resentful thought patterns.)
In what ways have physical ailments affected your mind and emotions?
(ex: My sore back makes me irritable and causes less understanding thoughts of impatience.)
In what ways have your negative thinking patterns affected your emotional life and physical health? (ex: Every time I think about how much I hate work I feel depressed and tired.)
List 5 things you can do today to improve your physical health. (Do at least one right now)
List 5 things you can do today to cause yourself to feel positive emotions. (Do one now)
List 5 positive thoughts you would like to practice. (Practice one right now by speaking aloud.)
For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
Matthew 13:12