The Mastery of Change (Free Version) by Sean O'Donoghue Morgan - HTML preview

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Change Your Physiology


If you’re not satisfied with the way you feel, change your physiology. There is a great emphasis on physical movement in the workbook companion to this book. If you want to be excited, move your body in an excited way. If you want to be happy, you should smile and laugh. This works because your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what’s happening and what you “believe” is happening. You can actually trick your body into believing you’re happy, causing it to respond with the appropriate “feel-good” chemicals in your brain. By practicing a new behavior pattern, you are choosing not to use the ingrained pathway of discord. This will take effort. There will be natural resistance and discomfort. However, by practicing the new pathway of positivity, you are training yourself to use it more. The more you use it, the better you get at it. This simple technique can revolutionize your life. Some would see it as acting or faking, but you don’t have to view it that way. It is merely an intelligent strategy for evolution. Only those willing to evolve are happy. Take the opportunity right now to change your physiology. The greater the change, the greater the emotional result. Try an authentic smile that causes wrinkles in the corners of your eyes. Laugh for no reason or think of a funny memory. Imagine you won a race and jump up and down in celebration. Yell Yahooooo! Ok, this might look funny, but you can do this in private and you’ll feel a lot better.


Real Life Practice:

Imagine you just saw on TV that you won 100 million dollars. Now celebrate with every cell of your being! Use your body! Use your voice!


How do you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically after this exercise?