The Mastery of Change (Free Version) by Sean O'Donoghue Morgan - HTML preview

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Darkness To Daylight 30 Day Challenge


A Daily Workbook Companion

To The Mastery Of Change


At the risk of sounding like a cheesy motivational speaker, I am going to be cheerful. Congratulations! You’re taking the most important step… the first one. If the people who know you were aware of what you’re doing, they would be filled with pride. I hope that you are filled with that wonderful feeling of confidence that you’re doing the right thing. You’ve realized that what you are doing isn’t getting you the results you want. You’re willing to try something different. You’re willing to take action.

Darkness is a time of unknown, uncertainty, ignorance, lack of boundaries, and lack of identity. A person in darkness can have low energy, low motivation, low socialization, physical illness, depression, anxiety, introversion, and financial scarcity. There is a lack of confidence, lack of hope, lack of guiding principles, lack of action and a lack of movement. There is a lack of responsibility; that is, a lack of the ability to respond. There is a lack of knowledge regarding the connection between personal behavior and life circumstances. In short, there is a lot of lack!

If our actions cannot improve our circumstances, then we are victims in a chaotic hell. But if we realize that our actions do make a difference, then we tend to take a lot more action. Positive actions have a compound effect on ourselves and the world, causing a cascade of positivity in the emotional, mental and physical aspects of ourselves. Negative actions or negative interpretations of circumstances cause a similar cascade of negative effects on ourselves and the world. The cycle of negativity can only be broken with the act of taking responsibility. We need to develop the ability to respond in a way that is different from the way that produced the results we didn’t like. It’s the ability to evolve. It’s what I call the point of conscious evolution.

As you read in the introduction, I’ve been in darkness. I’ve spent years discovering the most effective methods for self-transformation and empowerment. It didn’t matter where it came from, if it worked I would use it. I learned from resources including many religions, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki, massage, yoga, inquiry, hypnosis, Western research, and many wonderful teachers. It took intuition and intellect to create a healthy lifestyle. As I stated in the introduction, you are powerful and have been using your power against yourself. You have the power of your consciousness, your attention and focus. You’ve just been pointing it in the wrong direction. All of the practices in the workbook are simple and doable, some of them are well-known and some of them are pioneering. This is a practical workbook to develop powerful daily habits. The habits may seem incredibly easy at first, but they build and build until you are doing things that you never conceived possible for yourself.

This workbook was designed for you, the busy student or worker to be able to continue your responsibilities during the bulk of your day. It structures mornings and evenings, but allows you the freedom to choose the types of ways you challenge yourself. Most of the daily tasks take very little time. If you are looking for ways to stick to self-improvement commitments, this is a great way to do it. If you are unwilling to bring awareness and structure to your daily life, then this workbook would not work well for you.