The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

Further – Jed McKenna

―The word ‗FURTHER‘ is like a talisman, a power object. We must pull it out and gaze upon it after every battle, every time we think we must be done, that we must have at least arrived. As much as it may seem otherwise, there‘s always further. Get up, dust off, and gird thy loins for the next fray.

Carl Jung said he had to descend a thousand ladders to arrive at the little clod of earth he really was. At each landing, he must have thought himself done until his eyes adjusted and he saw that there was yet another ladder to descend. If Dr.

Jung had command of the word further, he would have known that there were more ladders still, and that a little clod of earth was infinitely more than he actually was.

Whenever you‘re sure you‘ve arrived, there‘s always further. The day may come when there is no more further and you will recognise that fact not with fanfare and tickertape, not with radiant backlighting and choirs of angles, but with the bemused and unenthusiastic observation that you are………DONE.‖


My Impression On Above Chapter: „Our Final Exam‟

In the past, greater awareness of the true self was deemed important for personal well-being. Today the game has changed; it is now imperative for our collective survival.

Our knowledge of the external world has been growing at an accelerating pace, bringing with it an unprecedented ability to modify and manipulate our surroundings. The technologies we now have at our disposal have amplified this potential so much that we can now create almost anything we dream of.

Our knowledge of the inner realms, however, has developed much more slowly.

We are probably as prone to the failings of a limited sense of self as were people two thousand years ago. This is the source of our problems.

Advanced technology may have amplified our capacity to control our environment, but it has also amplified the shortcomings of our partially developed consciousness.

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The Meaning of Life & Who Is Your Infinite I?

Driven by the dictates of a derived identity, and by our belief that inner wellbeing depends upon external circumstances, we have misused our newfound powers, plundering and poisoning the planet. We have reached what

‗Buckminster Fuller‘ called our ‗Final Evolutionary Exam.‘ The questions before us are simple:

1. Can we move beyond this limited mode of consciousness?

2. Can we let go of our illusions, discover who we really are?

3. Can we find the wisdom we so desperately need?
