The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

The Future – Stephen Davis

“Question: I thought I just read in chapter twenty-seven that time doesn‘t exist.

What are you doing calling the last chapter in this book ‗The Future?‘

Answer: You‘re right. But I also said in chapter twenty that ‗I can still dream;‘

and that‘s what I‘d like to do (dream a little about the future) as long as I don‘t get attached to the fulfilment of those dreams. Actually, toward the end of your time in the cocoon, you begin to see ripples in the universal ocean, movement in the earth environment template; and sometimes it‘s fun to speculate (in a general sort of way) where those ripples might be heading. I‘m seeing a couple ripples I want to focus on for a few minutes before I end this book, simply because I find some of this stuff fascinating.

The first ripple I see is that the drama and conflict and pain and suffering and war and violence and hardship in the earth environment template are actually increasing across the world, despite (or perhaps, as explained in chapter eighteen, in part as a result of) the resistance of more and more peace-workers.

Some of the developed countries haven‘t been so hard hit yet, but they will be as the global economic system becomes more chaotic.

It seems like every day the news is full of more deaths from war and violence, and from natural disasters as well. More people are out of work around the world, more barely living from hand to mouth, more losing their homes, more with no idea how they or their families will survive. More economies are failing, more governments are collapsing or being challenged and more ‗Theories of Everything‘ are falling by the wayside.

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For me, however, this is not a bad thing at all. It may actually be signalling the beginning of a mass exodus out of the movie theatre with large numbers of players gathering around the garden ready to eat from the ‗Tree of Life.‘

In other words, the screws may be tightening, the rubber band may be stretching to its limits, the situation deteriorating until more and more human children are willing to stand up in their seats and yell, ‗We‘re mad as hell and we‘re not going to take it any more‘ – and more human adults realise what‘s in the back of the movie theatre isn‘t working either and head for the door.

Sometimes things have to get pretty bad for that to happen.

But I‘ve been overly optimistic before, so I can‘t be sure. As Alan Shore said in one of his closing arguments in an episode of Boston Legal………‘When the weapons of mass destruction thing turned out not to be true, I expected the American people to rise up. They didn‘t. Then, when the Abu Ghraib torture thing surfaced and it was revealed that our government participated in rendition (a practice where we kidnap people and turn them over to regimes that specialise in torture) I was sure then the American people would be heard from. We stood mute.

Then came the news that we jailed thousands of so-called terrorist suspects, locked them up without the right to a trial, or even the right to confront their accusers. Certainly we would never stand for that. We did. And now it‘s been discovered the executive branch has been conducting massive illegal domestic surveillance on its own citizens – you and me; and I at least consoled myself that finally – finally – the American people will have had enough. Evidently we haven‘t.

In fact, if the people of this country have spoken, the message is, we‘re okay with it all – torture, warrantless search and seizures, illegal wiretappings, prison without a fair trial, or any trial, war on false pretences. We as a citizenry are apparently not offended. There are no demonstrations on college campuses; in fact there‘s no clear indication that young people even seem to notice.‘

Maybe it‘s an encouraging sign that young people aren‘t demonstrating on college campuses, or otherwise protesting in general. Perhaps it means they are beginning to realise that changing things isn‘t working, but they also see the futility in resistance, the purposelessness in joining groups in the back of the movie theatre, the rampant contradictions and inconsistencies in all judgmental belief systems.

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Maybe young people are simply numb, fed up with the whole thing, but with no clue of what to do, no concept yet of a viable alternative to the outdated and inaccurate models of life found inside the movie theatre. Perhaps they‘re ready for this human game model.

As I asked in chapter twenty-one, ‗how much more pain and suffering and limitation and restriction is required before millions of players surrender, understand it is their own judgments and resistance causing that pain and suffering, and are willing to begin processing the false knowledge and layers of the Ego that are part of life inside the movie theatre?‘

So Ripple #1 appears to me headed in the direction of more pain and suffering, and says to me the rollercoaster is nearing the top of the first hill, when things get really tough and the going gets really rough for those inside.


Ripple #2 appears to be going in the opposite direction, is that there are also signs more and more players are waking up from their dreamstate, or at least waking up within their dreamstate. You recall I talked about a template (or matrix) for the earth environment in chapter twenty-four. Let‘s speculate a little on how that template might change from time to time………Remember ‗The Field?‘ ‗A Field of all Possibility?‘

‗The foundation of the universe is a single universal field of intelligence………

the fountainhead of all the laws of nature; all the fundamental forces, all the fundamental particles, all the laws governing life at every level of the universe.

We can‘t explain what we do see as matter………unless we picture that these matter particles somehow come out from or emerge from these thought-wave patterns.‘

An ‗Infinite I‘ goes to this Field and chooses certain specific wave frequencies to create the holographic experiences it wants for its player. But rather than having to re-create the car and the buildings and the briefcase (and the galaxies and the solar system and this planet) each time, it uses a template in the Field which I have called the earth environment for its basic total immersion movie set, and adds whatever unique aspects it wants for its individual player. Then it downloads that hologram to its player‘s brain.

I also talked about the human brain receiving these holographic wave frequencies from ‗The Field‘ and translating them into our physical reality, like a radio that receives sound wave frequencies and translates them into music and words we can hear; and this is where the player comes in.

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Let me explain……...A radio has a certain range of frequencies it can receive and translate into sound. The AM range is 535-1605 KHz, and the FM range is usually 88 - 108 MHz, although this can vary slightly from country to country.

Obviously, there are sounds to be heard outside of those frequencies, but a radio receiver doesn‘t pick them up.

This is also true for humans, who can hear only a limited range of sounds as well. Dogs, dolphins and other creatures can hear different frequencies than we do, for example. There is some scientific evidence our brains are receiving a much wider range of frequencies than we are able to perceive. Michael Weliky from the University of Rochester conducted a study which led him to conclude that perhaps as much as 80% of the frequencies we receive are locked in our heads, unable to be perceived.

Regardless of how wide a range of frequencies the human brain might be able to receive from The Field, its clear there is a limited range of frequencies we can actually perceive. What exactly is determining this range of frequencies?

The judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears we form in the first half of the human game. So at any given moment, the earth environment template in The Field available to an ‗Infinite I‘ to create a hologram for its player is limited to a certain range of frequencies the player can perceive based on their judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears.

I want to say that a third time because it's so important: Our judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears limit the range of frequencies our ‗Infinite I‘ can use from The Field to download a holographic experience we can perceive. This is demonstrated so well by Dr. Bruce Lipton in his exercise with the two sets of coloured glasses and the pictures of FEAR and LOVE.

With that in mind, I want to take a look at the frequency range of our current template of the earth environment, but this is going to be a little tricky because of the wording and the analogy to a radio. I want to emphasise before we start that no frequency is better or worse than any other frequency; and when I use certain numbers to represent frequencies, it does not mean one number is better or worse just because it‘s a higher or lower number. For example, the music at 91.3 on a radio dial is no better than the music at 104.7. It‘s just a different frequency with different content. You may prefer to listen to one kind of music over another, but that doesn‘t make it better. Okay. Let's arbitrarily say the total frequency range in The Field available to our ‗Infinite I‘ to create a holographic experience goes from 0 to 2000, somewhat like this………However, most players today can only perceive part of that frequency range (500-1800) because of their judgments, beliefs, opinions and fears.

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If we were to graph the players on earth and the frequency ranges they could perceive, it might look like a ‗Bell Curve‘………with very few whose experiences consist mainly of total joy and abundance (approaching no limitations); also very few experiencing catastrophic disasters and plagues (complete limitation); and the vast majority with an earth environment template ranging from beauty, sunsets, happiness, and love to war, violence, abuse, and fear.

At any given time, it's interesting for me to look at the template for the earth environment that appears in my own hologram, to see the frequency range and how it is changing. As I said, it seems to me more and more players are experiencing more war, violence, abuse, and fear. The sheer numbers of people who are in pain and suffering have seemingly increased dramatically in the last fifty years compared to previous templates.

What this tells me is more and more players are nearing the pinnacle of limitation in the first half of the human game, and more and more ‗Infinite I‘s‘

might be ready for their players to enter the second half.

Did I make that clear? Rather than judging the increasing deaths occurring so frequently now from natural catastrophes, or the crash of the world financial system, or the melting of the glaciers as bad, they may simply be an indication the amount of limitation appearing in the earth environment template is reaching its maximum threshold and could result in more players moving into the second half of the human game – as I said, like a rubber band being stretched to its limits before it breaks.


So how can we start perceiving a different range of frequencies in the earth environment template?‖ By letting go of our judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears on an individual player level. We have the free will and the ability to do that; and in the process we will shift the frequency range of the earth environment template we can perceive, and therefore the frequency range our

‗Infinite I‘ can use to create our holograms, from this… this………You‘ll notice that war, violence, abuse and fear are no longer perceivable in this new range. They still exist, as all frequencies do, but we simply do not experience them any more as individual players.

This is what happens as a player moves further in their cocoon as they run Robert‘s process and do their spiritual autolysis, letting go of their judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears, and especially stripping away layers of the Ego; they simply stop having the limiting experiences they had inside the movie theatre appear in their holograms.

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On the other end of the spectrum, we begin to experience more than just beauty, sunsets, happiness and love as we move toward unlimited joy and abundance. I want to emphasise it‘s not necessary to send new information to The Field to create these new frequencies as some teachers have suggested, because The Field, by definition, already contains all information and all possibilities, and because we as players cannot create anything anyway.

It is also not necessary to change the number of DNA strands, or achieve a certain level of enlightenment, or eat only organic food, or meditate, or anything else in order to begin to perceive this new range of frequencies. All that is required is to let go of the judgments, beliefs, opinions and fears that determined the frequency range for the first half of the human game.

Now the interesting question is: What if a large number of players were to leave the movie theatre; make their way through their cocoon; let go of their judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears; and were able to perceive this new frequency range? What effect would that have on the earth environment template in The Field – the one the ‗Infinite I‘s‘ use when creating holographic experiences for their players? In other words, what might be the effect, if any, if a large number of players begin the process of transforming into Butterflies?


A British biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, has a theory he calls ‗Morphic Resonance,‘ or ‗Morphic Field Theory.‘ Basically the theory says when enough members of a species have adopted the same behaviour, a critical number is reached, called a critical mass, and this new behaviour is automatically and rapidly transferred by morphic resonance to the entire species.

The term [morphic fields] is more general in its meaning than morphogenetic fields, and includes other kinds of organising fields in addition to those of morphogenesis; the organising fields of animal and human behaviour, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory.

Sheldrake‘s theories have been heavily criticised by mainstream biologists for many years. However, some quantum physicists have supported Sheldrake's hypothesis, and even David Bohm suggested it was in keeping with his own ideas of what he called the ‗Implicate and Explicate Order.‘

I know from my direct experiences of testing and challenging this model that an individual player can significantly change the range of frequencies its ‗Infinite I‘ can use to create its holographic experiences by letting go of judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears, and stripping away the layers of Ego.

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So I wonder………

If more and more players were to enter their cocoons, would the transformational process become faster and easier for each new generation?

Would a critical mass (tipping point) eventually be reached where all the players on earth automatically walk out of the movie theatre and into their cocoons? Would the earth, as a player itself, no longer need a movie theatre and begin an entirely new game? (That‘s Ripple #2).

I‘d like to stay around long enough to see where it goes.


My Impression On Above Chapter: „A Singularity of Time‟

The pace of life is forever speeding up. Technological breakthroughs spread through society in years rather than centuries. Calculations that would have taken decades are now made in minutes. Communication that used to take months happens in seconds. In almost every area of life, change is occurring faster and faster.

Yet, this acceleration is not confined to modern times. Medieval architecture and agriculture, for instance, varied very little over the period of a century. But even then change occurred much faster than it did in prehistoric times. Stone Age tools remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Nor is this ‗Quickening‘ confined to humanity; it is a pattern that stretches back to the dawn of life on earth. The first simple lifeforms theoretically evolved nearly four billion years ago. Multicellular life allegedly appeared a billion or so years ago. Vertebrates with central nervous systems, several hundred million years ago. Mammals appeared tens of millions of years ago. The first hominids stood on the planet a couple of million years ago; homosapiens, a few hundred thousand years ago. Language and tool-use emerged tens of thousands of years ago. Civilization, the movement into towns and cities, started a few thousand years ago. The ‗Industrial Revolution‘ began three centuries ago. Finally, the

‗Information Revolution‘ is but a few decades old.


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Why Does Evolution Accelerate?

The reason for this acceleration is that each new development is (so to speak), standing on the shoulders of what has come before. A good example is the dawn of sexual reproduction allegedly some 1.5 billion years ago. Until that time cells, reproduced by splitting into two, each of the new sisters being exact clones of the original. With sexual reproduction, two cells came together, shared genetic information and produced offspring containing a combination of their genes.

It no longer took many generations for one genetic difference to arise.

Differences now occurred in every generation, speeding evolution a thousandfold.

A more recent example is the transition from the ‗Industrial Age‘ (1) to the

‗Information Age.‘ (2) When it came to manufacturing computers, we did not need to reinvent factories or global distribution systems; that expertise had already been gained. We had simply to apply it to the production of computers.

Thus the information revolution established itself much faster.

This pattern is set to continue in the future (each new phase requiring a fraction of the time required in the previous phase). In the future, we might expect the same amount of change we've seen in the last twenty years take place in years rather than decades.

It is difficult; therefore, to predict what the world will be like in ten or twenty years. Two hundred years ago no one predicted we would have telephones or movies, let alone cell phones or the Internet. Just twenty years ago, very few of us had any notion of the ‗Worldwide Web,‘ (3) or of how dramatically it would change our lives. Similarly, who knows what new breakthroughs or developments will be transforming our lives ten years from now?


Approaching a Singularity

So where is all this leading? Some people think we are headed toward what is called a ‗Singularity.‘(4) This is the term that mathematicians give to a point when equations break down and ceases to have any useful meaning. The rules change. Something completely different happens.

A simple example of a singularity occurs if you try to divide a number by zero.

If you divide by smaller and smaller numbers, the results will be larger and larger numbers. But if you divide something by zero you get infinity, which is not a number in the everyday sense. The equation has broken down.

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