The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 30

DONE – Jed McKenna

―Done means done…………………………………..And then, one day, there is, Nothing. No more enemies, no more battles. The sword that seems welded to your hand can now be dropped, once your fingers can be pried from it. There‘s nothing left to contend against and nothing left that must be done, and there will never be anything that must be done ever again.

Even then, it‘s very possible that you don‘t know what you are or where you are.

It‘s just over, and nothing comes along to replace it. In novels you see freshly converted vampires wondering what their new status entails. ‗Am I a vampire or just nuts?‘ ‗What‘s the deal with garlic and crucifixes and sunlight and coffins?‘ ‗Am I immortal?‘ ‗How do I verify it?‘ ‗What‘s true and what‘s a myth?‘ It can be like that.

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I‘ve heard that the Zen guys say it takes ten years to get the hang of it, and for them that means ten years in the most conductive imaginable environment – a Zen monastery where it‘s all enlightenment, 24/7/365. Imagine, on the other hand, spending that adjustment period in the midst of a society that devalues spirituality and in which even the spiritual experts are unwitting masters of disinformation. That can be a dammed peculiar ten years.

And what comes after? Well, as I understand from practitioners of ‗Jnana Yoga‘ (1) who have spoken to me of it (my apologies to them and anyone else whose teachings I‘m distorting in this book), one emerges from the ten-year period of assimilating as a ‗Jnani‘ (2) – one who knows. That‘s what I am, I suppose, but the process of reduction that brought me from ‗Ajnani‘ (3) to Jnani is not over.

Even now it takes a conscious effort to maintain my false self, my dream character – to animate it, to keep it running. And this trajectory I‘m on will take me as close to non-existence as anyone can get and still have a body. In other words, I will continue to channel progressively less and less energy into my dreamstate being, my teaching will reduce down to its most refined and least tolerant form, my interest will withdraw from the world, and I will become as minimal as a person can be. Whether or not Jnana Yoga or ‗Zen Buddhism‘ (4)

or any other system confirms this process is moot because I confirm it myself, directly. I don‘t defer to teachers or teachings. I see myself receding in this manner. Writing this book has accelerated the process, but this is where the road has always led.

When ‗Krishna‘ (5) finished what he came to do he entered a forest and just kept walking until he collapsed from fatigue. A passing hunter mistook his feet for the ears of a deer and killed him with a single arrow. That walk might be viewed as the progressive withdrawal of energy, so maybe when my time comes I‘ll just walk off into the tall corn until I drop from fatigue, and have my feet mistaken for ripe ears of corn by a passing John Deere harvester………Here‘s the deal: I am fully enlightened – fully truth realised. I am here, live, on the scene, and have chosen to describe it as I see it. I don‘t defer. I don‘t rely. If what I describe conflicts with the ten thousand other reports – no matter how revered those reports and those who filed them may be – then to me those reports are nothing more than fable and folklore and should be consigned to the dust-heap of history. The simple fact is that I am here and here doesn‘t look all that much like anyone says it does and I‘m not going to waste my time or anyone else‘s pretending otherwise.

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It should be noted that here isn‘t mist-enshrouded or poorly lit. It‘s neither mysterious nor mystical. My knowledge is unflawed and my vision is unobstructed. This is a tricky point to make, but a critical one. I am not interpreting. I am not translating. I am not handing something down that was handed down to me. I‘m here, now, telling you what I see in the most straightforward possible terms.

If that sounds harsh, then get used to it. This is a harsh business. I‘m not writing this book to make money or gain followers or to be popular. I‘m writing it to get it out of my system. My message isn‘t that you should believe me about what it‘s like here, but that you can come see for yourself.‖


My Impression On Above Chapter: „The Fictitious Identity State‟

Enlightenment is simply being what you truly are. Un-enlightenment is an illusory state created by the Ego. Like an evil person trying to enslave another by placing a virtual reality beanie over their head, the Ego has provided you with a false identity. This fictitious identity state is maintained by fear.

Eventually, staying in the fictitious state is more comfortable than facing the manifold fears, chastisements and uncertainties which rise up when you question the realness of your Ego. Ignorance is the bliss within which you can take comfort, especially as few people seem to be aware of the ‗Great Game‘

being played upon humanity. You would not want to stand out from the crowd, would you? You want to go back to the fold, to become a salmon swimming with the shoal upstream, but you are not sure if you might be a lemming

jumping off the cliff. So you are stuck in no man's land between not knowing and knowing that something is not right.

This peculiar feeling chases and pervades your ‗Human Adult State.‘

Then you meet someone who is ‗Awake,‘ who challenges the unreality which you cling to like a magnet to steel.Your life becomes punctuated by moments of knowing followed by a desire for it all to stop spinning. Your addiction to un-enlightenment keeps trying to pull you back to same-as-it-ever-was but reality is different; it is ever-changing and ever new.

Feeling queasy, yet? You will be when you make the final, heaving shift from life-as-it-always-seemed-to-be to life-as-it-really is.

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Wikipedia – Jnana Yoga;


Wikipedia – Jnani;


Wikipedia – Ajnani;


Wikipedia – Zen Buddhism; and


Wikipedia – Krishna;
