The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

Summary – David Webb

These days, there are a great many people out there who claim to have the answers we seek, to some of the biggest questions we all ask:

What is the meaning of life?

Why are we here?

Is there life out there in space?

Is there a God?

What happens when I die?

Religious leaders, scientists, new age spiritualists, all claim to have the answers to lead us into enlightenment. But do they really?

There is a saying that I use: ―If you think you have found the answer, you've just given up looking!‖ I have indirectly stated that I have found the meaning of life, something that most of us would love to know. Many people think that if you know the meaning of life, then you have the answers to everything. I wish this were so. The meaning of life, however, is just one tiny, little thing in a great, big, eternal universe. There is still infinite knowledge to learn.

I wish I had all the answers to all the questions so that I could share them with you, but I don’t. I doubt that I ever will, or even if anyone ever will. If we were to have infinite knowledge, would we not be our ‗Infinite I?‘ I for one am not a God (I am merely a human that has been deposited by my ‗Infinite I‘ on this planet we call home).

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The Meaning of Life & Who Is Your Infinite I?

Just like all other humans, I have my fair share of faults and almost certainly some misguided beliefs. For instance I still believe that one day someone will invent a way to lose weight overnight without any effort………Now tell me that's not a misguided belief!

I am only telling you this so that you realise that my writing is filled with my

opinions, my theories, my ideas and my beliefs. Therefore they are subject to any faults that I may have. What I am trying to say is that they are not, set in stone (fact). Most of my beliefs are based on my observations and understanding of the world around me. Where I venture into the realms that currently are beyond what can be known I try to analyse the information available, with logic and reason to come to my own conclusions.

What I believe, is what seems right to me. However, I am always open to the possibility that someone may come along and say ―well, did you think of it from this point of view‖ and completely change my ideas and ultimately my beliefs.

If I was to tell you my beliefs, would they then become your beliefs too? As much as my Ego likes that idea, I really hope that they wouldn‘t. If you see anything I or anyone else has written or said and think ―Hey, he's gotta point‖

or ―You know he may just be right,‖ don't just accept it as gospel because it is a logical and plausible point of view. Look into it, mount your own investigation on the subject, expand on the ideas and then share them, so that we all may grow. The more we question things and examine them, the deeper our understanding will become.

So what of the people who claim to be ‗Enlightened Beings‘ and supposedly have all the answers? A truly enlightened person would not have the arrogance to claim they know all the answers. In an infinite universe, there is infinite knowledge. Human beings are just an infinitesimally small creature within it, that couldn’t even begin to scratch the surface of understanding all that there is.

People may have ideas, theories or beliefs about what the answers to those big questions are, but they do not know as an absolute fact. They couldn’t possibly.

Of course this doesn‘t mean that their ideas are wrong.

So what then, do I believe the meaning of life is?

Well I believe it is simple. Anyone who says that it is something only few people are gifted enough to understand, are just trying to control you. Either that or they are brainwashed and just repeating what their controller has said to them.

And now the moment of truth……...The answer to the most commonly asked question by the human race:

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The Meaning of Life & Who Is Your Infinite I?

What is the meaning of life?

To Be A Player In The Human Game - For Your „Infinite I‟

What the...!

The meaning of life can be summed up in twelve words? Yes, I believe it is that simple. People usually think that the more complicated something is, the more likely it is to be correct. The fact is that most of the things that seem to be complicated, really aren't, it is just a matter of how you look at it.

Now if only we could learn to get along, so that we could experience each other’s kindness, rather than create weapons to destroy ourselves……...

Please check out all of the footnotes ( clues) I have left throughout this book. I am looking forward to your comments after you have read through the great gifts that Jed McKenna and Stephen Davis have handed to us in their books (The Enlightenment Trilogy & Butterflies Are Free To Fly).

May serenity enter your being, after you enter your cocoon………like Stephen Davis, I am sure there is more than one way to get to be a Butterfly or reach the realisation that you are indeed Done. Jed McKenna did it the hard way as far as I can see, where Stephen Davis did it (or is still doing it) in a way that is also leading me to the light at the end of that very dark tunnel.
