The Meaning of Life & Who is Your Infinite I? by David M. Webb - HTML preview

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Chapter 32

Latest Thoughts – David Webb: „The Fabric of Reality‟ (Sept 2011)

When we speak of ‗The Material World,‘ we think we are referring to the

‗Underlying Reality,‘ the object of our perception. In fact we are only describing our image of reality. The materiality we observe, the solidness we feel, the whole of the ‗Real World‘ that we know, are, like colour, sound, smell, and all the other qualities we experience, qualities manifesting in the mind.

This is the startling conclusion I am forced to acknowledge; the stuff of our

world (the world we know and appear to live within) is not matter, but mind.

The current ‗Paradigm‘ (1) assumes that space, time and matter constitute the basic framework of reality, and consciousness somehow arises from this reality.

The truth (as I currently see it), is the very opposit e !

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The Meaning of Life & Who Is Your Infinite I?

As far as the reality we experience is concerned (and this is the only reality we ever know):

1. Consciousness is Primary; and

2. Time, Space and Matter are Secondary.

They are aspects of the image of reality manifesting in the mind. They exist within consciousness; not the other way around.

Similar claims have often been made in ‗Spiritual Teachings,‘ particularly Indian philosophy. ‗Yoga Sutras of Patanjali‘ (2) for example, speaks of the entire world as 'chitta vritti - the modifications of mind-stuff.‖

When physicists hear statements such as this, and take them to be referring to the physical world, they become (or are) understandably perplexed and perhaps dismissive.

But when we understand this to be a statement about the manifestation of our experienced world, it begins to make more sense. If we consider the reality we experience, then we have to accept that in the final analysis they are correct: Consciousness is the essence of everything—everything in the known universe.

It is the medium from which every aspect of our experience manifests. Every form and quality we ever experience in the world is an ‗Appearance within Consciousness.‘

Distilled Down: „How I Should Live My Life‟

There is no ‗black or white,‘ ‗good or bad,‘ ‗right or wrong.‘ I make no judgement calls as life ‗just is‘ and I wish to live it and love it according to how it is being rolled out by my ‗Infinite I‘ on a daily basis. This is what I perceive as being ‗Done‘ or becoming a ‗Butterfly‘ means.

There is nothing more to ‗learn‘ or ‗try to do,‘ as no action is required on my part – I am not driving the bus, I am just looking out the window (experiencing emotions) on this side of the Field for my ‗Infinite I‘.

My ‗Infinite I‘ will supply all the ‗tools‘ throughout my life, (wealth, poverty, health, sickness, happiness, sadness, etc) to enable my ‗Infinite I‘ to experience all necessary emotions through me.

By being aware of my relationship to my personal ‗Infinite I‘, I have a conduit to introducing more wellbeing, harmony, joy and contentment into my hologram (if I am in commune with my ‗Infinite I,‘ without any ‗Egoic‘ thoughts being attached to any of my wants or needs).

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The Meaning of Life & Who Is Your Infinite I?

Peace, Love & Harmony.

David M Webb - 2011



Wikipedia – Paradigm; and


Wikipedia – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

THE END (for now)


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