The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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We have seen already that the phenomenal man jumps off the band wagon of crowd tinkers and obeying rules to a new world of acting on his own set of rules and walking alone at least at the beginning of his pursuit. The major reason is that you can’t be a phenomenon with the crowd. You can’t ride in the same vehicle with mediocres and expect not to be tagged  one. You have to jump out and forge a new front. It means you have to be out standing.

The “out standing” man (please note the difference) often makes a choice to watch the crowd. We’ve seen the stage already as a place where those who choose independent paths often reside. Those who happen to stay on the stage are often the ones who have made the decision to be out standing. They choose to stand away from the group of other seemingly standing people. Some persons may be standing but on the wrong ground. They fix foot on sinking ground and may be very seductive in attracting others who are themselves blind. You can’t afford to join others when you can see higher ground up there.

If you visited a concert, especially the reggae hip-hop type, you may have noticed that the crowd also stands. Sure, everyone seems to stand but some are out. Some are watched while most do the watching.

The out standing man is that one who has chosen to take a short though difficult trek away from his friends, colleagues and the conventional thinkers. They are the ones who don’t mind having a different thought pattern even if everyone think their thoughts are absurd. This people know that if they have to be outstanding, they have to get out standing.

“Out standing” is the action, outstanding is the endpoint. You sure want to live an outstanding life. Only those who dare to stand out becoming outstanding.

What are the attributes of the out standing man?

  • He dislikes orders. The need for orders is because the crowd has to be checked. Individuals don’t need order; you won’t be ordering yourself about. The man who stands out also breaks away from the crowd order.
  • He eschews uniformity. You can’t afford to be out standing if you choose to be clothed on what everyone’s clothed with. You will be no different. The difference comes when you remove that cloak and put on your own difference.
  • He creates tall orders. The out standing man does not wait for others to create his challenges. He goes about creating his own challenges and  often big challenges and then strives to overcome them.
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  • He epitomizes Simplicity. Being out standing does not mean you have to be rugged or harsh in appearance. The ruggedness is only of the minds defiance by the phenomenon. He often stands out a huge difference in humility and simplicity, plain to who he really is.
  • He’sthick. The out standing man has everything that characterizes the man of confidence. He is a well of knowledge, standing tall in the face of turbulence proving often very strong against challenges.
  • He’s always active. Here is one super attribute of the out standing man. He shows activeness. He is not sterile. Where his capacity is required he builds and encourages others to do same too.
  • He’s always natural. Here’s the beauty of the man who stands out. He is just him, true to who he really is. He is an original expressing his true self and the reality of who he really is. He does not try to be like the Jonesses. He finds what makes him and develops that.
  • He is sometimes defiant. What a huge difference the out standing man makes. He can defend himself against and stands ragged against rule or laws that are oppressive. He is the crowd mover leading people to take a stand against what’s wrong.
  • He is an icon. The out standing man is the man who becomes iconic. He is the hero who does exceptional acts who others find to follow. He is hailed and celebrated.
  • He is a do it nowpersonality. The out standing man does not wait till tomorrow to do what he can do now. He steers his ship and takes that decisive step now.
  • He is a going man. The out standing man is who he is because he has decided to go. He has decided for a move from where he is to take opportunities and seize as many as possible that he can seize.

The attributes of the out standing man is what makes him outstanding. Because he exhibits this attributes, he finds himself in the middle of the stand out possibility, he is naturally noticed, a difference, a difference maker, a change causer and a mover. One can easily notice the difference without even a second thought. This is because of his massive attributes that are naturally vivid before the crowd of onlookers. Here is why the phenomenal man steers towards this attribute.

You too can ride your ship in the light of the phenomenal. Here’s how.

How to stand out to be out-standing and outstanding.

The beauty of the phenomenal life is the difference it helps you make and create. It creates an aura that’s unusual and keeps you up at the top where only heroes dare. It’s the attribute that differentiates real time heroes from mediocre. You can be one by

  1. Acknowledging your difference.Your originality isn’t out of doubt. There’s no one like you and none could be. Activate your difference. When you do, you will be appreciated for it. The people who are phenomenal know they are who they really are. They may be some debars and frailties but that makes them even more beautiful. Your difference is your strong reference point.
  2. Recognizing your potentials.Inside everyone is the potential factor. You have a huge capacity that’s immeasurable and incomparable to some other person. Recognize your potentials, discover them and instigate them. The possibilities that your potentials carry are huge. Many don’t reach their potentials because they often do not recognize they have potentials at all. Many do recognize their potentials but do not activate it. How do you recognize your potentials? What’s your potentials? It is that thing you love doing that you can’t imagine yourself not doing. You have a potential there which if you propel could be your selling point. Phenomenons do very well by recognizing their potentials and they activate it. Do same.
  3. Aiming towards being the best at your chosen potential.I’ve said that some persons do recognize their potentials and don’t activate it. A handful though recognizes their potentials and push for it. There are many like you who have similar potentials. We have many potential writers, actors, footballers, dancers, engineers etc. and they aim towards becoming what their potentials drives them towards. However there are demarcations of achievement. Let’s take the music school for example. Singers are of categories. Though all musicians are great potentials, yet some are multiplatinum, platinum, local, national, sub continental, regional and continental musical icons. Not all of them play on the same stage. The difference between the local stars and those who go multi platinum is that the later aim towards being the very best at what they do. Your potential is great and many do have your kind of potential, but you have to strive to outdo them.

The phenomenal outstanding man gets all the awards ahead of others. His performance always shows class and often a huge gap between himself and others who are plying the same path with him. Others with similar potentials also recognize his huge immense attributes and acknowledge the huge gap he’s placed ahead of them.

Your standout difference is your phenomenal attribute. Stand out.