The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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The greatest gift one could have is the gift of educating. While it is a necessary gift which everyone benefits from, it is still a very much elusive gift. Only a few persons have this gift, your guess may be right, only Phenomenons do.

The rare privilege of being an educator stands one out especially as one has to stand on the stage over the students. As a necessary act, the students have to face the educator. Not everyone gets people looking up to them so the educator has a huge privilege on his side.

To be an educator means to share knowledge. The educator must have developed keen knowledge of what he is trying to pass across. He might have learnt by experience, association or under the scholarly prowess of another highly knowledgeable individual. The fact that he is having to transfer knowledge or information to other persons means he carries with him knowledge that is scarce.

The educator serves as a medium to transfer scarce knowledge. He keeps the trend of information going and ensures what he knows doesn’t stop with him. He is a genius who has perfected his art and proves ingenuity at it.

Because the educator has what people want, he is often desired. His desirable qualities draw from his pool of knowledge required to solve societal problems. The society has a pool of problems that needs solutions. What this problems actually need is knowledge to come around them. The society thus finds the educator as the perfect well from which they can change the water of help.

The educator is the perfect phenomenon. His knowledge has the capacity to transform even the worse situations into the best states. He can change challenging situations into winning situation.

Being an educator is no mean feat. One would have to be

  • Modest: modesty is a major attribute of great educators. Pride is a silent killer that brings down phenomenal achievement. Educators understand that it’s not in their high minded attributes that they impact into their wards. It is being modest at what they do. Educators act in the simplest manner. They showcase their skill ensuring that even the most simplest of persons understand.
  • Definite:  Educators have to be definite in the measure of knowledge they can give. The knowledge they are to offer has an age value. They don’t just give out knowledge for the sake of giving out of knowledge; they pass out defined knowledge meant for a definite age group.  Phenomenons know that not all knowledge is meant for all persons. They know what to give out and what not to.
  • Hardworking:  acquiring knowledge is no mean task especially when it requires going through books of study. But the phenomenal educator lives his life in this light. Being hardworking is a necessary attribute requiring one to strive against the odds of the normal life. Every prolific achiever understands that he requires hard work to create a pace for himself. Because educators have to be knowledge ahead of others, they put in so much of hard work of study to create that gap.
  • Interesting: no one wants to listen to a boring chap. Students find it difficult having a grasp of the information the educator is trying to pass across if the communication level is cold and uninteractive. Every student loves an interesting lecture under the tutorship of an interesting lecturer. An interesting class that carries a participatory air is capable of attracting students. Great educators understand that if they do have to be phenomenal at what they do, they just have to create an interesting air and they try creating this with all their zest.
  • Inspiring: phenomenal educators are absolutely inspiring people. They fire up life propelling superlative changes in the students they are educating. Educators have a responsibility to uplift their students who often are not at the level of the educators. The huge responsibility of being an educator carries a huge burden of ensuring the students rise to that high level they intend them to reach.
  • Attentive: Being an educator means one has to develop a listening ear. While you may do most of the speaking, you still have a responsibility to listen to what others are saying about a fact or idea. It helps shape your views and thoughts and eases the dissemination of your thoughts to cater for the information needs of the students or those being educated. The fact that the educator has knowledge does not mean he owns all knowledge. He still requires the knowledge inputs of others to shape this thoughts and build more knowledge.
  • Faithful. Being an educator requires that you are faithful to what you educate people about. You won’t want to teach a certain fact and act in a different way. It could be tagged as hypocritical. Educators believe in the absoluteness of their thoughts.
  • Prayerful: real educators connect with the spiritual life. They hold God in awe believing him to be the source of all things. Prayer is an open door to spiritual understanding of super secrets that comes as a rush of revelation. Some knowledge are not in the privy of the natural. They only come from the supernatural. Prayer connects with this supernatural and grants exposure to these secrets.

The educator exhibits great attributes. However this attributes are meant to meet some challenges. What challenges? The phenomenal educator is blessed with all these attributes in order to

  • Expose sordid truths and cause a change of society by bringing about changes through knowledge impartation
  • Develop strategic processes or methods which will be an everyday pattern or style.
  • Channel information and ensure information passage from one age to another. l
  • Encourage, build and inspire change and development
  • Enforce attitudinal changes through development of society’s modus operandi.
  • Elevate cultural and traditional knowledge through acting as storage of norms and traditions.
  • Bring about structural and technical development of infrastructure.

The phenomenon who exhibits an educational lieu is a small god. His capacity puts him at a higher pedestal and opens even greater doors for the actualization of his goals and desire. The educator who is given to educating will forever increase in learning, imbibing in himself focused knowledge that has the capacity to make him generation apart from his contemporary society. Your quest to be a phenomenon is one that requires you share your knowledge with others. You can and will if you persist.

What do you do to become an educator?

  1. Study: take your time to study. There is power in books, mysteries are hidden in books. The man who studies books takes a grasp of the knowledge hidden in books. The man who studies knows and is well positioned for the achievement of a goal
  2. Experience: educators learn from experience. For you to learn great things, you can experience them. Experience is a great teacher as it gives you firsthand knowledge of what should have being difficult a task. Some consider it as the only means through which knowledge can be obtained.
  3. Pray: develop a praying attribute. Praying increases knowledge and opens doors to uncommon knowledge.

The path to being a phenomenon is a path to being an educator. You can take a bold step.