The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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discover and apply TALENT.


Everyone has talent and some degree of genius however what separates the phenomenon from every other person is the ability to discover and apply such talents in creating the difference. As much as there are talented beings everywhere, not everyone reaches out to applying their talent in becoming some better person in life or society.

The first major challenge that poses before the average man is the knowledge of the talent he has deposited in him. Our minds often are filled with so many worries and thoughts that we fail to look inwards to discover what’s that extraordinary gene imbedded in us that enables us do supernatural things.

Talent may not be a odd concept but understanding what talent is may seem far knowledge that eludes the average man. However, if he tends to have a full grasp of what it is, he could go ahead stimulate his mind towards the accomplishment of that thing that his talent is capable of helping him achieve.

Talent can be described as a marked natural ability or skill that resonates intuitively without any forced act. It springs forth as a well watering our hearts into full actualization and accomplishment of the goal it is set to accomplishment. It is always there like water in the ground but will have to be dugged up or pumped up by a human pumping system.

It’s true that talent lies in every one but it doesn’t just rush out and work for us. It requires one to instigate and propel it out. Think of the crude oil drilling process. A town may have oil under its grounds without her knowledge but it will take a team of geoscientist to study the rock type and analyze the soil nature and conclude that there is oil.

There has to be discovery process for talent.

How do you go about discovering your talent?

It’s a major question that has posed a mountain for many a human. But if you do want it, you can have it.

  • You will have to do some self separation meaning you will have secluded yourself from people for some time. Those who discover what’s inside them, set themselves apart first.
  • They ponder within themselves what the major difference they see between themselves and others. This pondering period may require some spiritual reawakening where one connects with the spiritual source of life for some degree of inspiration that reawakens and connects.
  • They listen to their mind’s leading. You will observe the instinctive leading that naturally sends you towards one direction. That direction is often your talent.
  • You will seem to find ease at this direction of your talent.

The road to discovering your talent is often not an easy road. It sometimes may be patchy, challenging and difficult but once you hit on that road and get riding, it gets easier as the journey goes.

Your talent is your selling point. Because it is derived from some natural intuition, it seems so perfectly fitting for you and perfectly binds you creating a natural communion between you and your talent. Think of talented musical acts, when you mention their names, its often similitude with their singing talent.

About applying your talent,

You will have to

  • Define a specific goal for which your talent is meant to achieve. Your singing talent has to work towards a successful musical career; your football talent should be targeted towards a goal of becoming a continental best or world best. It helps to define the future fallout of your talent.
  • Create an avenue for the propagation of your talent. When you’ve acknowledged you have a talent, look for means to have it come to the fore by aligning yourself with people or acts that have similar talents who have been successful with their talents. Watch them and learn from their experiences.
  • You may have to start from very small.  This is very true. However great a talent may be, it still has to be touched with that spark of gold. You have to develop this touch as you grow from little. Great achievements often start from little acts. They did not come automatic. The bearers of these talents worked first by themselves in developing their talent until it was discovered by some other person who believed in their talent and propelled it even further.
  • Constant practice is the key. You may have incredible talent but it may be hidden. It only comes to the fore with persistence practice which steers it even higher. Once you’ve recognized your talent, develop it by practicing even if it means being alone at it. Great bands started as the talent of only just one man.
  • Attitude helps. Developing your talent requires an attitudinal change. There should not be a place for complacency. Take the task of talent application as serious as possible. It’s when you show the seriousness in your talent that you actually get at achieving the possibilities entwined in it.

Your talent is a seed that has to be cultivated to full blossom. You will have to water it every day consistently. Every drop of water that falls on it helps it spring. That seed is there right inside you but you have to acknowledge first that it’s there and walk towards its application and accomplishing of the future task for which it is meant to perform.

Talent helps stir you away from the crowd. It is the difference maker. If you truly want to be a phenomenon, then find a way to apply your talent. It’s right there in you. It’s in you.