The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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face the HEAT


I’ve never seen a phenomenon whose phenomenal attribute acted in slumber. He might have had talent but those talents never speak until it faces the heat of challenges. The true test of Phenomenons is when they have a herculean task to overcome. A phenomenon knows he has to face the heat, pass through it and come through at the other end.

Life’s challenging situations can be compared to the heat of fire. As much as fire has beneficial applications like heating our meals, warming the body, it also has negative effects. Life’s challenges can batter or build depending on what direction it hits us. No one would like the idea of walking through physical fire. The first thought that reflects through our mind is the fire would burn. That fear reveals itself in such a manner that we don’t get close to it. But a man who would walk across the fire without fear of being hurt will truly be considered as extraordinary or phenomenal.

When life’s challenges come, the first initial thought that walks through our mind is fear. Are we going to get through the challenge? Is the capacity in us to challenge the odds? While a mediocre will accept frailty and weakness and cheapen to fear, the phenomenon wakes up from that slumber and dare the challenge. The heat may rage but that’s just when the phenomenon proves his true worth.

The heat of life is often

Hazardous. Life is filled with hazards. It will take a strong will to go against these hazards. The phenomenon expects these hazards. To him, this dangerously looking situation is a chance to prove his mettle. Your phenomenal desire is staked at the point of your decision not to be encumbered by the hazards that come in life. If you have watched a wrestling match, you would observe the vehement hazards that characterize this sport. Ordinary people won’t dare try the stunts that characterize this sport but the phenomenal wrestlers for so they are called dare it. They get fame and wealth by daring these hazards. Hazards are part of the everyday pursuit in life. Your phenomenal pursuit lies when you dare against it.

Enlightening. Life’s challenges are moments of inspiration and enlightenment. Though because they come in the form of strong vehement heat, our fear factor pushes us away and we find nothing to learn from it. The experience that characterizes challenging situations are often enormous. One may never be opportune to get enlightenment in issues of life if they never experienced it. The phenomenon knows that the very fact that he is having some heat to get through means he has more to learn and he brilliantly puts his head down to face the heat, get the enlightenment that comes with the situation and become even more knowledgeable.

Aversive.  No one likes life’s heat. Our tendency is to flee or run away from any situation that may pose too hot. We tend to repel or avoid any situation that seems impossible or challenging. Life’s heat may pose too hot for some so it is avoided in totality. However those who do want to be phenomenon must give up any aversive attributes and accept to bear the consequences for which they can achieve the phenomenal life.

Theatrical. Life’s heat is often exaggerated in order to create a negative scary effect. It is colored to make one feel there is no chance of coming around it when indeed its heat could be calming. Don’t be deceived by the theatrical attributes of life’s fire, everyone can often get through it. However only a few who dare, the Phenomenons do.

Facing the heat of life requires some psyche building. One would have to be highly motivated and inspired. The phenomenon welcomes the challenge in full hands, dares the fire and then speeds over it. But is it an ordinary feet? Not at all. You will have to

  1. Develop a fighting zest. Fight, fight, fight. Here’s a necessary attribute. You will have to develop a fighting aura. It takes a warrior to challenge life’s challenges. When you find yourself under the damning heat of life, you can battle it out and challenge it.
  2. Cultivate your intuitive capacity. Your ability to think freely without requiring conscious thought is a useful tool to getting over life’s fire. You just don’t have to think of the challenges. Just act.
  3. Stir up your phenomenal reason. There is a reason for which you are poised to achieve that great feat. The reason may just be the inspiration that propels you towards getting through life’s fire. When you have the perfect reason, it can be the rallying point for the achievement of that great goal such that however huge the challenge, you are strengthened by the reason to get past it.
  4. Apply other person’s experience. Getting through life’s fire isn’t all about just you. There are others who have also had to get through similar challenges before you. Their experiences can be very helpful. These experienced beings are found everywhere however scarce they may seem. You can take your time to search out these experienced hands that are adept at getting through life’s challenges. These experiences could be in books, audios, videos or even the internet.

The phenomenon welcomes the huge fire that is part of life. He anticipates it so he builds his expectation or expectations with a back knowledge. It becomes so easy for him to live life as normal as possible.  He creates that notion that all his well and this reflects in his carriage even if underneath his feet is a raging flame. His capacity to live life this way is because of his

  1. Tenacity of purpose. He acknowledges that his pursuit in life must stand ahead of anything else. He thus strives putting all his energy, being dogged, and striving unrelentingly to achieve this purpose.
  2. Passion. He has a quenching passion fueled by a desire to achieve what he wants to achieve however the encumbrances that may stand on his way.
  3. Quest. He knows what he wants at the other end of the challenge. This quest envelopes him, forcing him to act to achieve this quest
  4. Weakness. There is a latent weakness in Phenomenons. That weakness often is the fear of not achieving what he intends to achieve. Rather than let this weakness weaken him further, he uses the weakness as a lunch pad.
  5. Frailties. The phenomenon fears he may be considered too weak or be easily seduced by others. This frail nature is in everyone even if he is a phenomenon. However, he recognizes this and seizes on it to launch himself ahead above his frail nature. The fear of being used causes him to find usefulness for his capacity and talent.

Life’s heat is a surety for everyone who desires to be a phenomenon. Bear it, pass through it, and come through it.