The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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POLICE your subconscious mind


The phenomenon is an achiever. But his achievement is based on also his ability to check his subconscious person. He understands that if he is going to succeed, he has to develop his mind to that extent where within him there is a natural instinct towards doing great phenomenal things.

Our mind is the centre from which the external life radiates. A perfect mind is a great body. The phenomenon pushes to ensure that the light that he desires to propel him isn’t a halfhearted one of just body alone but its uniformity with the mind, soul and spirit. Thus he seems to act in a seamless uniform manner radiating uncanny energy.

Our mind is the base from which our physical actions are based. The nature of the mind reflects on the external actions.  As a man thinks, so he is; as your mind is, so you are.

There is a need to check what goes through our mind.  It’s a major challenge though having a check on your subconscious. But the phenomenon manages to find a way around it.

How? He polices his mind by;

  • Placing God’s rule as the guide for his life. God’s word builds up the mind. The more of God’s word a man knows, the stronger he becomes and his mind is set towards doing the right.
  • Ordering his steps in the footsteps of achieved Phenomenons. There are people who have achieved phenomenal achievements. They can be looked up at.
  • Leading. Being the leader helps focus the mind knowing that you are an example for which every other person follows. A leading mind is a focus mind.
  • Inspiring others. The mind is the seat of inspiration. A checked mind inspires others. The phenomenon polices his mind by ensuring he inspires others to live the better higher life. By doing this, he becomes a standard for others to look up to.
  • Control what he sees. The pictures in our mind are often created from the things within the privy of our eyesight. Our mind’s camera is the eyes. To have a mind that creates a phenomenal impact, the phenomenon ensures he doesn’t use it for everything but for only what is worth seeing.
  • Enforcing strict rules. The man who makes the rules sure has to live by the rules. The mind welcomes a strict environment. The stricter the environment, the stricter the rules the mind works under. The phenomenon thus ensures that he sets himself under a set of rules to focus his mind at achieving what he really wants to achieve.

The mind of the phenomenon is focused. He is not deterred by what he sees or how he sees. He is propelled from the inside out and he reflects that fullness from his developed mind. He acknowledges how much his mind is capable of helping him achieve and strengthen by a strong resolve, he achieves what he wants to achieve.

The phenomenon is a mind juggler. He knows how to read other minds too. He may seem frail or may lack energy but his strengthened mind helps him make the resolve to do great things.

To the phenomenon, the mind is

  •  A mustard capable of growing with the right water and manure.
  • An ingenious creation of God capable of helping him do great things
  • A neuter in life’s pervasive world
  • A decider on life’s multidirectional path.

The phenomenon always fights to protect his mind from corruption. He knows his mind is like a memory of a computer system which once corrupted can rubbish the hardware. He fights because he is afraid of being

  • A FAILURE. What the phenomenon fears most is failure. That fear forces him to act in a forceful manner, pushing hard to ensure his mind is focused.
  • A GAG
  • HURT
  • Wrongly TAGGED

The bridge the phenomenon has to cross in empowering and policing his mind is often one only a few dare. Because of the huge challenge this poses, he stands alone amongst the crowd to carry out this exceptional task.

In the face of the massive challenge faced by the phenomenon at policing his mind, he gets foe himself a gun of life. This gun gives him the confidence to;

  • Go straight and get what he wants.
  • Undo limitations and debars and forge ahead against the odds.
  • Nurture what he has taken over for his benefits.

When he releases his bullets which he scarcely uses, it is because his quest:

  • Burns in him to make him take action to protect the precious asset of his mind.
  • Unleashes feverish passion for what he has which deserves protection
  • Lets him take the right step every single step way.
  • Launches him into uncommon manifestation of the possibilities that lie in the mind.
  • Energizes for unlimited achievement of his set goal
  • Tends him slowly even in his weakness toward maximizing his potentials.

The phenomenon has no fear whatsoever of what can happen or will happen. His mind is focused whatever befalls. He is ready to bear all to ensure he achieves all his goals. He is strengthened with courage and zest, fired up for uncommon spectacular phenomena.