The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Develop a HEIGHTENED influence.


The phenomenon aims for influence. As much as possible, he seeks to reach the top of whatever he does. He does not look for the average life. He guns for the best of everything

There is an uncommon influence level that is a place for Phenomenons. It isn’t that every other person do not have or seek influence, it’s that the influence level the phenomenon seeks for is the highest peak of influence, an influence where only a few dare try and only a handful reach.

The kind of influence the phenomenon pushes is a characteristic influence. It’s an ingenious influence that places the phenomenon at the level of life where others look up to him. Because of the phenomenon’s self styled influence, he attracts even the greatest of men who come rushing under his air of influence.

The phenomenon’s play ground is influenced filled. He is the master of influence, influencing other influential men who also influence other influential men. The influence is passed down from generation to generation.

The phenomenon’s influence transcends beyond generations. What would you call Jesus? His influence has transcended over twenty generations, a feat extraordinary. All those who have followed Jesus also get reckoning as influential people once they can associate with his kind of influence. That’s the phenomenal influence.

What attributes characterizes this heightened influence?

  • It is an inspiring influence. This is a kind of influence that uplifts others to also spark up the phenomenal life that they have inside them. Influence is about how much you can make others find what’s inside them.
  •  It’s a natural influence. This kind of influence occurs naturally as one develops. It’s not forceful but tender attracting others slowly but surely under its air.
  • It’s a frontier influence.  This influence places you allays at the top or front of every situation.
  • It’s a lawful influence. This influence acts within the comfits of the law guiding everyone. It isn’t a lawless influence.
  • It’s an uniform influence. This influence is not a unilateral influence but one that affects all side or areas of one’s life.
  • It’s an ethical influence. This influence is morally acceptable based on principles of right and wrong
  • It’s a networked influence. This is an influence that is transferred from one person to another around a single generation and also later generations.
  • It’s a consistent influence. It’s a regularly occurring influence acting often and as many time as the influencer desires to apply it.
  • It’s an elaborative influence. It’s a complex, detailed as well as sophisticated influence level that could cause the influencer to leave an intricate, fancy, flashy and showy life.

Everyone wants the phenomenal influence. But how, remains the unanswered question. We’ve seen  Phenomenons come through life and live. Scientific, architectural, mathematical, leadership, political, academic and other genre of Phenomenons have come and gone and they have left people in their wake especially this generation wondering how they did it.

Phenomenons such as Einstein were alluded to have had some extraordinary spiritual source. Super star footballers such as Messi and Ronaldo were considered to be out from space with their extraordinary genius. A host of others uncommon Phenomenons who have had heightened influence were alluded to have had that uncommon spiritual interaction.

How did this Phenomenons develop this heighten influence?

  1. They tapped from a spiritual source. When you watch a Messi or Ronaldo on the pitch of play after scoring a goal, they’d throw their hands up in signia to their success being accrued from God. Einstein the phenomena scientist often threw his ingenuity to God as his source of inspiration. The source of all inspiration is God. Anyone who wants to develop an heightened influence must acknowledge the supreme source of this influence and tap from it.
  2. Develop a love for study.  We have seen the influence one can have when one unravels encrypted mystery. The need to study can and should be emphasized. No genius got caught up in his web of achievement over night. He appreciated the power in books, studied them, gained knowledge, applied it tenaciously and influenced others through their knowledge.
  3. Meet the right people. Every person who needs influence must associate with persons of influence. This is to allow for the sharing of knowledge between them. Associating with the right persons opens door for the acquisition of more knowledge and the testing of the knowledge available at your disposal. The true test of what you know is against those acclaim as knowing.
  4. Find those to influence. You have to start from somewhere. You won’t influence great people automatically. It starts from influencing people of fewer capabilities slowly and slowly. There are lots of these kinds of persons everywhere. Find them and begin to impart into them. As you do, those persons increase too and become great also influencing others and then your chain of influence increases. You also develop a heightened influence as your influence grows.
  5. Be disciplined. When the influence level increases, there is a temptation that it could get over ones head and act in the weirdest of manner. The need for discipline cannot be over or underemphasized. The phenomenon puts himself under his influence level. He allows his influence change him and others by acting as an example to others and towing the same line of example. Discipline must be a watch word as one gets higher under his reign of influence.

When the heightened influence arrives, it enforces on the influencer, the phenomenon, the uncommon passion, zest and zeal to do great things. It fuels a passion that is transferable to others. The phenomenal life is about influence and an uncommon type for that matter.

What happens when one develops a heightened influence?

  • Lives of persons are transformed and edified.
  • You develop kingly attributes that places you on top of others.
  • Your knowledge is vast and much acclaimed as compared to others.
  • Your talents become the gateway for the attainment of the uncommon achievement.

The phenomenon’s influence is an uncommon one. It may be considered metaphysical or beyond the natural. It obeys beyond natural laws that have a stint of the uncommon around it.

You can have this heightened influence. Yes you can.