The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Act NOW?


Time is precious as well as scarce commodity. While it seems there is plentiful of time, the phenomenon knows there is much as little time to waste. If ever he has to do great things, the only time he has is now.

There seem to be enough time when we look at how long we anticipate we are going to live on earth, but it just hits us that with each day that passes, the long years before us become only a mirage. The phenomenon has his eyes set for the future. He has enough ambitions and goals to feed his hope but he knows that the hope he so has is built upon his present actions.

The future is so bright in our mental picture. The posh car, the duplex near the sea, business, wife and children are very nice accessories in that future but we won’t get that future if there is no immediate action. The phenomenon acknowledges that his great attribute of keeping faith with his future is an asset however that faith is only fed by his immediate action.

Phenomenons put time first. They see that there is nothing as “so much time”. He reaches out to immediately plan and take action for the accomplishment of what he so desires. His believe is that the future arrives when he takes action now, possibly it will arrive now.

What is it to be done now? You have to

Activate your indwelling talent and skill. There is chance that the future you so want has a resource in you that will help activate it. Our talent is God’s gift to help us achieve our goals and vision.  God has placed it inside you to direct you towards your drive for the future. What you have to do is find a way to get it working, that innate capacity. First though, you have to discover it. You have to know what that talent is. You can’t use what you don’t know. You have to skillfully direct you mind towards self discovery. It’s often sitting there, but underrated. It’s a massive gift once you can discover and get it to work for you.

Capitalize on opportunities. Opportunities abound every time and everywhere, however we don’t get to see them or even apply them because we tend to overlook them like our talents. The phenomenal man searches for opportunities. He does all he can do to find them like we have seen earlier and jumps on them once he acknowledges the inherent opportunity.  He seizes on the opportunities however minute they may seem to create an opening for himself.

Target future achievements. Once you are able to activate your talent and capitalize on the opportunities that come your way, the next task is the goal you want to see this actions attain. You have to begin to work towards achieving them. They may seem huge targets to reach but every single step you make towards it is worthwhile. Like the dart that is aimed towards the bull’s eye, you have to aim towards the target. It may be huge but keep pushing throwing till it hits the eye. It’s not always easy reaching the target. It will sometimes require persistence and diligence. You have to push till something happens.

Why do you have to act now? You have to act now because now is the

  • Nearest time for action. Phenomenons are not known to procrastinate. They acknowledge that if they get anything done, it is not a future one. They know the nearest possible time to act and get anything done is now.
  • Oddest time for action. Phenomenons acknowledge that the only time they have to get something done that will be considered matchless, peerless and unique is now. Now is so unique and peculiar a time that if nothing is done now, it’s going to disappear as it came.
  • Winning time for action.  The time that comes first above any other future is now. To win is to act now. Winners don’t wait for the future, they find the present time the only opportunity for their winning streak

The phenomenon develops the ac t now mentality for even the slightest or littlest task. He knows he does not have to wait till he has developed all there is to be developed before he takes up that task. What he has is enough to begin the now step. The mistake most persons make is that they think what they have isn’t enough to try out the big task of the future. They choose to wait. Well, waiting may be great but often most do not know that what is inside them is enough to finish the project or achieve the future task.

While sometimes you can wait, Phenomenons know that the little they have can start up that big business in the future. Guess what? They start up and find help to continue. They know that the big challenge is often starting. One can never have enough to start at any goal or project. Big things are only done from small acts.

Think of trying to cover a 10 km distance. You may choose to wait for a perfect car for the distance which could possibly make it easier. To buy a car may take years but if you start with your legs each step all the way, you may still get to that endpoint even if it will take some longer time. A footstep moved now is worth more than an expected future car.

No matter how challenging the present now is, when you choose to act now, you

  • Actualize your goals.
  • Conquer your fears
  • Tap into uncommon possibilities
  • Nurture present desires into future accomplishments
  • Overcome huge challenges
  • Win over delimiting factors.

The time to get that task going is now. However little this now step may seem, it has the capacity to multiply in the shortest time.

You can great things, yes you can.