The Phenomenon: How to Become One by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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Create your NICHE and stay on it.


The phenomenon knows quite a lot but he is not a jack of all trades. He is a perfectionist at what he does. He has a niche where he specializes and shows expertise at. Often, his area of specialization is independent of others because he finds a field where he is the only perfect player. He knows he cannot afford to be crowded out in life’s game. He has to find a way to stand out.

The capacity to create niche is subject upon knowing your strength. Each person has his strengths and weaknesses. The phenomenon acknowledges he has weaknesses but he strives to catch on his strengths. He thus ventures on an area where he knows his strength lies, perfects himself and positions himself to help people in his strength area.

While he may seem to know quite a lot, or he is expected to know quite a lot, he defines his own lot. He does not allow the thinking of people or their expectation blurs his vision of what he wants and can do. He acknowledges the strength in his capacity and strives to ensure he becomes that best he knows his strength is capable of making him reach.

The phenomenon’s outlook of life is; he may not be the best at everything he does but he can at the least minute thing he finds and derives joy doing. His choice to stay at his strong area helps him derive the attention he desires so much to attain.

It is for this reason we find Phenomenons in every field of endeavor. We call them professors in our academic world, genius at our work place, icons in government, and achievers in life. The professor in biotechnology is a phenomenon but in his field of endeavor yet that does not stop another professor at engineering from plying his profession. They are both professors and phenomenon in their individual fields where they have chosen to perfect.

Each and everyone have a strength area that others may not have. It is for you to understand that strength, push for its actualization and stand out right there.

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