The phenomenon helps open people’s door he often finds himself at positions of opportunity. This attribute makes people run towards him. People love those who can help them with opportunity for a better life. Life is characterized by many shut doors. These shut doors often pose a bar for the ‘would be’ achiever. The phenomenon often understands how to open doors because he has had to open his own door himself and has helped others open their doors.
His increasing experience as he opens doors increasingly puts him in a door opening position for others. Every door of opportunity he opens is a door opened for many people. Some doors have to be opened to allow others open their doors. The opportunity the phenomenon creates affects lives in a geometrical way.
When a person takes the position of opening the shut doors in people’s life, he does not only derive joy from his task he also finds fulfillment and attracts people towards himself. This phenomenal attribute is one the world needs but only a few develop this part of them. Why? Because most persons are self conscious grabbing only for themselves. They may have the capacity to open doors but they never dare open it for others. They only open the doors when it’s going to affect them positively.
The phenomenon is thus a special breed that sees opportunities in closed doors, opens them and calls people to join him enter the new opportunity that the open door requires.
If you must be a phenomenon, you must learn to open doors especially those it affects. How do you go about it?
Life’s doors are always there for all to go in but because some are closed, and only a few open for a few who will, the challenge of opening them becomes a worthy task for the phenomenon. As much everyone have the capacity to have their doors open and help others open theirs too, only a handful of persons ever seize on it and only a handful become phenomenal in life.
The phenomenon’s capacity to dare open doors is a scarce capacity but worthy of pursuing. It doesn’t come to everyone even if everyone have the capacity. It goes to only those who desire to be phenomenal
A huge part of the world are desirous of having their doors open but they can’t and may never open them except some person dare to help them come through. So you can be that help, you can be the one they would be running to for help, you can be that phenomenal change case and door opener.