The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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Pot history


My history with pot was pretty usual in the sense that early in high school I had been introduced to weed and for the most part tried it with enthusiasm but unlike most I shied away due to the risk of a drug caution was far too high a penalty so gave it a swerve. It occurred to me at a young age that the penalty far out weighed the crime and the risk of a criminal record was too high a price to pay.

I must admit I also didn't really dig standing in a bush in a park on a Saturday night with the risk of getting arrested, call me old fashioned but the distinct lack of chicks just didn't appeal.

Then later at University I smoked a few joints and mixed it a few times with booze but again I was too young and it really didn't stick as a habit at the time.

The primary early reason was the punishment out stripped the benefit or the pleasure pain ratios were far too extreme at the time.

I suppose I was probably pretty risk averse and the combination of smoking and drinking was enough, adding drugs at the time was too much for a teenager to tackle.

I was undeniably lucky not to have met a girl who introduced me to these vices at an early age.

The power of persuasion and influence are hard to resist when combined with sex.

Young men are hardly known for their resilience and the potential marketing influence of a woman in a bikini is still potent for men of any age. I can now see the incredible influence of marketing behind beer and alcohol.

I had personally had good luck of avoiding any issues with Alcoholism, which was due to the very good fortune of having a friend who owned a bar. The novelty of a free bar wears off with a few hangovers and drinking for drinking's sake has short and long term health impacts demystifying the marketing.

Alcohol has rarely been a performance enhancer and I often saw it as a tool for cockblocking, especially the competitive drinking that is quite common or stag doo mentality.

Inherently there is also the financial consequence of drinking which, given the clear hierarchy of venues and labels associated with alcohol, is a tool for undeniable discrimination.

This fiscal reality is not really a justification but more a realistic explanation why Marijuana trumps alcohol and cigarettes from a health and financial perspective.

The legal classification and social acceptance issue is still overwhelmingly against the use of Marijuana.

Five million premature deaths from tobacco smoking, environmental arguments against pesticides, green hemp production of houses, cars, clean energy & food are raging topics.

The sky was the limit and the timing was perfect. This felt like the intelligentsia movement against oppressive governments looking to profit of private prisons and the future was looking very green indeed.

The global potential for change and even the hero status for those who really took the battle to the final stages of the United Nations and NATO, it was all feeling rather potentially epic! I had found what I felt might be the cause of our time.

I even swore not to have children in a world where they would face the oppression of prohibition and potential threat of incarceration or even death for trafficking plants.

This was an education in language, horticulture, medicine, agriculture, commodity values and global law all rolled into one.

Hunter S Thompson had the Rum Diaries and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and I felt I could reappear on the London social scene and make a splash. I had the great luck and fortune of being well known in the right places and knew the right people and had an impeccable reputation.

I was always polite and never got into any trouble so the risk of offending anyone or causing any harm was genuinely negligible.

This was the new War on Drugs were there was no need for any casualties or victims.

London as the world stage was perfect and given its current international and diverse population is really the perfect stage for battle / debate to commence. Even the police didn’t carry guns so things had very little risk of getting out of hand.