The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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My constant concern about marijuana now is that it is all encompassing and felt like a true calling to end prohibition both personally and globally.

I found a life times worth of work combining politics, law and a great potential business and I wanted to change the world so joining the movement towards legalization was appealing both from a consumer perspective and intellectual one.

It is this very love for the cause and the danger of falling for the delusion that would make a difference.

The concern was that after months of consumption and risk taking on my part there was no real pay off and there never would be.

The truth about pot is well established and the movement towards legalization is well under way but I was trying to normalize a drug habit and be accepted by my friends and family as a drug user. This was never worth fighting for.

What I did in private and at my own discretion wasn't anyone’s business and I didn't need to get high all day everyday to gain acceptance.

I had somehow convinced myself that I should be able to incorporate this leisure activity into all aspects of my life. This was wrong and quite damaging but I didn't heed the warnings and fought on persistently.

I incorporated pot into my training and social life to the distinct detriment of my ability to find work and get settled back into a normal work life balance.
