The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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Time & Pot


The time you spend high is essentially recreational time so if you finish work and you smoke a joint go training, play video games or watch TV and relax the association with pot and recreation has been established.

The problem here is that one could start to associate pot as the reward mechanism an indulgence that potentially follows the desire to reward oneself.

 A reduced dose or mild sprinkling of pot into a rolled up cigarette is an easy temptation.

The risk is that one can smoke away the week very easily without noticing and the motivation to achieve this goal becomes the ultimate form of leisure.

Getting baked fundamentally is time wasted and the idea that you will have some break through, creative thought or get much done is rarely the case.

There is a great stigma attached to getting high, unlike getting drunk, which people have a little more tolerance and understanding.

If you enjoy marijuana it is very likely that others will not condone this habit due to the illegality.

Marijuana and alcohol are a bad mix, the truth about alcohol is that it is one of the best marketed poisons on the planet, the pomp and circumstance around champagne and it attachment to celebrating is quite incredible.

Wine and beer slurs speech and guarantees dehydration and a painful hangover at a staggering financial cost is hard to fathom.

The heritage and labeling which allows the consumer to associate alcohol with celebrations is an incredible achievement and quite an astounding result of intelligent product placement.

Alcohol companies have sponsored events and people judge the quality of hospitality based on the label of the hangover juice provided is so well established that our social status is almost defined by our choice of poison.

The sense of belonging associated with a particular beer or scotch drinker and attention to detail is almost as important as food.

In a time when health conscious six pack aspiring youths have dominated the magazines and popular media people are becoming more aware that alcohol is really just an indulgence and a costly very damaging habit.

As cigarettes have been banished to the terrace or outside of venues it is more apparent that mixing marijuana into this social affair is rare.

Mixing alcohol and pot is well known to cause nausea and potential vomiting and so the two are rarely mixed in large quantities.

The association of any vice is the ability to blame the vice for ones behavior rather than accept personal responsibility, which is dangerous.

Alcohol is toxic and can kill you quite easily if over consumed whereas pot will incapacitate in a very different manner. The indica plant will increase the effect of gravity to the point where leaving the sofa is hard to achieve and motivation for anything other than primary survival required actions is hard to justify.

Alcohol is responsible for a great deal of social bonding and good laughs but can have costly health, financial implications and dependence are a real risk.

The financial commitment to alcohol and sacrifice is rarely justified.

Similarly with pot the hours spent high are never associated with great achievement or constructively used so the social isolation and escapism is sometimes subtle and difficult to measure.

Mix this with a perspective shift and association with an illicit drug the consequence is a harsh and negative connotation. Life is simply better without the added vice and pleasure is more fulfilling without numbing or heightening the senses.

The issue is not pot its the potential issues of drug use and the potential consequences, ruining ones life, sacrificing family and friends for addiction.

The social consequences of recreational drugs are quite poorly labeled because drugs and recreation are rarely linked.

Despite its innocent stoner image marijuana is also a powerful drug and like alcohol should be treated with great respect and deference.

It can expose you as lazy, over sensitive, self-obsessed or paranoid along with a whole host of other less than desirable aspects of ones personality. 

This can also depend largely on the environment and company. Most pot smokers reserve their use for home or other safe environments where they can sleep.

I remember money being a constant burden as we all face financial pressure to varying degrees but the problem with pot is that is adds to this issue and essentially worsens it.

People will not help you with more pressing issues when drug use is present as it takes the main focus if someone won't let the vice go.

In the eyes of the on looker a homeless person spending money on drugs or drink rather than food is hard to help. This twisted priority is evidence of self-sabotage and self-harm and this exposes far deeper issues.

The key question here is anyone's lives really improved by alcohol, tobacco, pot or gambling? All have a specific price and cost but only you can answer whether they have any improvement for you?


I am lucky enough to have relatively simple tastes in women and I would consider my self a meat and potatoes kind of guy who really loves meat and potatoes.

Being a sucker for nice eyes, a good smile and a generally healthy girl who is confidant naked.

What more could a man ask for?

I’m not looking for a brain surgeon and the truth is I fall in love very easily and sometimes too easily.

Not professing to be religious but if God exists I’m sure it’s a women as Mother Nature has made the female embrace and affection so rewarding that no drug could compete or replace it.

The best way to motivate oneself out of a drug habit is to fall in love with the right girl who you don’t want to lose.
