The Pot Hole by David Grey - HTML preview

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Pot is a subtle and potentially problematic issue that will continue to be an evocative topic.

My advice is beware; follow the money and don't let it adversely affect you financially or emotionally.

The fact is smoking pot, like eating cake, triggers the dopamine receptors in the brain, which produces the sensation of pleasure, however unlike eating cake, pot is both illegal and incapacitating.

Unless you would advise someone to break the law and damage their ability to function 'normally' how could this be a good idea?

The problem with anything enjoyable, that has negative consequences, is it guarantees a negative outcome.

If someone’s gets into enjoying the recreational aspects of marijuana they are faced with the real life potential criminal sanction which far out ways the benefit.

I wish I could say I achieved great things and had profound moments of clarity whilst under the influence but the truth is far less positive.

As an advocate I isolated myself and argued myself into isolation.

Everyone is quickly bored of drug advocacy and rarely interested in taking on the government on this issue so the time I spent high was really just a form of pacification and indulgence. 

No one wants to join you that often and the novelty of celebration and recreation are quickly seen as dependence.

The mind altering nature of being high undeniable confuses and complicates life so that everything is about feelings, emotions and impulses rather than cognisant analytical thought and planning.

If one were to organize a holiday many would chose to detox, healthy food, sun, surf and sand and rejuvenation.

Rarely would someone decide to sit indoors to consume drugs as this is the only forum.

Anyone with any history with alcohol and drugs would honestly openly admit that most of their experiences ended with more harm or pain than pleasure.

The health and cost implications of these activities rarely result in the guilt free happy ending they initially went out to pursue.

Put simply the fact is that drink, drugs and smoking are all traps that people fall into that 99% of the time have no positive results.

'I got high and solved my problem' No one ever said. 

I am continuing my life with the understanding that life is better sober and drug free.
