The Secret of Dating a Girl in 5 Minutes by Zoey_Jenson - HTML preview

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 Chapter 04

“Tips for Asking a Girl Out”


If you are asking girls for a date and being rejected, then you  should read the tips in this chapter to find out what you are  doing wrong.




  • Presentation and Punctuality are Necessities
  • Remaining Calm and Happy
  • Compliment Her and Make the Environment Interested
  • Follow Your Instincts
  • Always Stay Positive and Thoughtful
  • Show Your Intent and Passion
  • Look For Positive Dates


Society takes a much more casual view of dating habits these  days than used to be the case in our parents and grandparents  days. It was almost unheard of for individuals to have multiple  relationships ongoing at the same time. Dating was taken  seriously and when it became a longer term relationship is  usually ended in marriage.


Whereas, today it is not that unusual for individuals to  frequently change dating partners, or have several at the same  time. It is much less likely that individuals will enter into a  marriage with their first dating partner. Unfortunately, this  modern practice of trying out multiple dates in the search for  the right partner can have disastrous consequences of a  criminal nature.


Preparation and Punctuality are Necessities


Preparing for a first date is important. If you want to make a  good impression you have to start by considering how you will  look. Ask yourself what your date is likely to think of the way  you present yourself? Will she be able to see that you have  made an effort? Making an effort with how you appear,  especially on the first date will help to create a favourable  impression.


Punctuality for your first date is just as important as your  appearance. Even being a few minutes’ late, sends out the  wrong signals before your date has even started. You are better  off planning to be at your meeting place a few minutes early.


Remaining Calm and Happy


Try to remain calm and don’t let your nerves show on a first  date. If you are feeling a bit uptight, taking a few deep breaths  can help to relax you before your date turns up.


If you are someone who is easily wound up by poor service,  then you need to select the venue for your date carefully. You  will not win any brownie points if you lose your temper or  create a fracas about the littlest thing. Remaining cool, calm  and collected if you are justified in making a complaint creates  a good impression and shows that you can act responsibly.


Don’t Shy Away from Complimenting Her


Any individual, especially a female who says she doesn’t  appreciate a compliment is lying. However, the compliment  does have to be sincere or your date will likely pick up on it.  Although this is sometimes an area where you may need to rely  on your tact and sensitivity, especially if she asks you what you  think about her new dress, or a new hairstyle and you hadn’t  noticed. She will not thank you for your honesty if you tell her  you hate it.




Actively listening to what your date has to say and accepting her  right to have her own opinions, helps to show that you value  and respect your date. If you allow your attention to drift, or  constantly interrupt to impose your own opinions over hers,  you are unlikely to get a second date.


You need to take responsibility for keeping the conversation  flowing as naturally as you can. You can do that by ensuring  there are no long gaps in the conversation. Having a mental list  of topics you can introduce into the conversation, that you  know will interest your date, helps to avoid those  uncomfortable silences.


Rely on Your Instincts and Tell the Truth


It is unlikely that on a first date you will get around to telling  your girl all your deepest, darkest secrets. However, there are  some things that you need to be up front about and you will  know instinctively what they are. If you want the relationship  to continue and develop beyond the first date you need to tell  her. She can then decide if she wants to continue dating you.  You need to think carefully about what would happen if she  finds out about your secret from another source, before you get  around to telling her. It will get harder to tell her if you keep  putting it off.


On the other hand if she asks you a direct question, you can  always lie. If you do you are likely to feel guilty about lying and  when it does eventually come out you will have to explain why  you lied. That can be enough to finish your relationship.


Remain Positive Despite Bad Experiences


If you can get through life without having to deal with a  rejection in the dating game, you will be very lucky. Nearly  everyone will have at least one, if not more poor dating  experiences at some point in their life. You just have to learn  what you can from it and move on. You have to accept that life  is not a ‘bed of roses’ and it is not always your fault that it didn’t  work out.


If you think you were even partially responsible for the  breakdown of the date, then you can take steps to ensure that  the same things don’t ruin any of your future dates. You need  to remain positive about finding the right date for you in the  future.


Committed to Finding a Life-Time Partner


If you are committed to finding a life-time partner as opposed  to a girl for casual dating, you need to be clear in your own  mind about what you are looking for. You also need to be  upfront with the girl, as she may not feel the same way as you  do about a life-time relationship.


There are some girls out there who would be willing to commit  to a life-time partner for any number of reasons. However,  unless you have spent time getting to know each other first,  which usually means dating. There are no guarantees that you  will be compatible or that a life-time partnership will survive.


Positive Dating Experiences


If you are new to the dating game or are returning after a long  period of time, it can be a daunting prospect. You will need to  brush up on your knowledge and techniques if you want to find  a good dating partner.


Spend some time people watching to see others in action and  talk to friends and other people who may have just gone or are  going through the same looking for a date experience. They will  no doubt be a good source of advice and tips on how to go about  it.

