The Secret of Dating a Girl in 5 Minutes by Zoey_Jenson - HTML preview

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 Chapter 03


“Ideas for Being Romantic”


If you want to ask a girl out on a date, you should approach her  with some style and romance. The advice in this chapter will  help you to bring out the romantic side of your personality.




  • Don’t be Afraid to Show your Feminine Side or Caring Nature
  • Believe in Yourself
  • Sit Down and Make a List
  • Make the First Move
  • Communications
  • Be There for Her when She Needs You
  • Make Sure She Notices You


Having a girl as a friend is one thing; it is the moving on to a  romantic relationship that can be the difficult part. Making a  smooth transition will be easy if you approach it in the right  way. What you say, and the way you behave, when you ask a  girl out, can be the key to your success or your failure.


Don’t be Afraid to Show your Feminine Side or Caring Nature


If you are really interested in a girl, you need to let her know.  That often means toning down your ‘macho’ attitude and  behavior and letting her see you have a softer and more caring  nature. If you come across as having too much testosterone,  you risk frightening or turning the girl off, and she will make  excuses not to go out with you.


Many of the male populations are reluctant to admit that they  have a feminine side, especially in front of other males.  However, the best way to get the girl to go out on a date is to  show her you do have a sensitive and caring nature. If you do  this, and she continues to turn you down, then you should  forget her and find another girl to ask out.


Believe in Yourself


You may not be the most attractive male on the planet, but you  may not be the ugliest. You need to be strong in the belief that  you do have something to offer a girl. However, you do need to  find the right balance between being self-confident or being  over-bearing, if you want to be successful in attracting the girl.


If like most males starting out on the dating game, you think  you don’t have a romantic bone in your body, you may be  surprised. Following a few simple steps can introduce you to  your romantic side.


Sit Down and Make a List


If you are not good at remembering things, you can write them  down in a list. Girls are well impressed if you remember their  birthday, or special occasions such as anniversaries, without  having to be reminded. The minimum you should do is send  her a card, but you will gain a lot more brownie points if you  send flowers, chocolates or take her out for a nice meal to  celebrate.


You can also use your list to make a note of her likes and  dislikes such as does she have a favourite perfume, what is her  favourite colour and so on? It will save you a whole lot of grief  if you choose something she really likes as a gift for those  special occasions.


Make the First Move


Knowing when your relationship with a girl is ready to move on  to the next stage can be tricky. As many girls will be reluctant  to take the initiative, it is up to you to make the first move. If  you over-step the mark, by being too passionate too quickly,  you can destroy the relationship. You need to start off by saying  goodbye with a wave or a casual kiss on the cheek. You can  hold hands while walking, or while sitting in the cinema. The  more you get to know her the easier you will find it is to read  the signs. She will let you know when she is ready to progress  the relationship.




Communication plays a very important part in any relationship.  It is an excellent tool that provides the opportunity for the  couple to find out what makes each other tick. The  conversations should be natural and should be geared as much  to listen and learning, as they are about talking. Initially, the  girl may appear to be shy or unwilling to talk about herself,  talking about interests or hobbies you have in common will help  her to relax.


You can try to draw her out by asking questions. However, you  should take care that you don’t make her feel like she is being  interrogated.




Be There for Her When She Needs You


If your girl is upset for any reason, or just feels unwell, you need  to bring out your caring side and be there for her. You may not  be able to do anything to cure a physical ailment, but you can  provide emotional support. Just by being there and listening  shows that you really care and that can help to improve her  emotional state. 



Make Sure She Notices You


There is little point in you wasting your time and energy putting  on a show for a girl, is she doesn’t even know you are there.  You need to make sure your actions involve something she is  interested in and ask her to get involved or to give you her  opinion on what you intend doing. Unfortunately for some,  that does mean you need to talk to her and get to know her first,  before trying to impress.