The Secret of Dating a Girl in 5 Minutes by Zoey_Jenson - HTML preview

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 Chapter 01


“Different Types of Girls”


In this chapter I will tell you about the types of girls that you are  likely to meet. I will also tell you how you should go about  getting to know them better.




  • Girls Who Have a Calm Nature
  • Girls Who Are Bold
  • Girls Who Are Flirty
  • Girls Who Are Less Attractive
  • Girls Who Are Boring


I will tell you how to recognize the different categories of girls,  so you can choose one that is compatible with you and your  environment, behaviour and habits.


Girls Who Have a Calm Nature


If you are looking for a long-term or possibly a life-time partner  to settle down with, you should look for this type of girl.


She will have a serious out-look and approach to life and have  little interest in things frivolous. She is a ‘one-man woman’ and  will expect the man to wear the trousers in a relationship. She  is likely to be compliant and willing to please. However, she  does have standards and habits that are set in stone and will be  almost impossible to change. She will judge you by her  standards and expect you to have similar expectations and goals  in life.


Girls Who Are Bold


These girls appear to be and are very different from calm girls.  However, they have an underlying seriousness when it comes to  a love relationship, and they will expect commitment from you.


These girls enjoy flirting. They prefer it when they are the  centre of your attention. They are very outgoing and fun to be  with, but you need to be aware of their invisible boundaries.  They will cut you off very quickly if you overstep the mark.


Remaining faithful is an essential in a relationship with these  girls. They may appear possessive as they can display a need to  hang out with you all the time.


Girls Who Are Flirty


You may often come across girls who are flirty, but very  shallow. They often jump from one relationship to another, or  have several ongoing at the same time. You should never  expect more than a short but often exhilarating fling with these girls.


They are usually very attractive and belief it’s their right to be  admired and pampered by boys. They are often referred to a  ‘man’s woman’ because they may not connect with other  females easily. They may always expect you to pay on a date,  and you will need to shower them with gifts.


They are usually accused of only being interested in what they  can get out of any relationship, so you can expect to be replaced  once the first initial excitement of the relationship calms down.  They detest boredom and normality.


Girls Who Are Less Attractive


These girls may not have the looks, but they do have a warm  and very supportive nature. They can very easily become your  life-long best friend, rather than a date.


They believe that they have nothing to offer in the attraction's  stakes and can become very wary with boys, who are attracted  to them. They mistrust the intention of boys that offer flowery  compliments and make romantic gestures.


They have a mind of their own and expect boys to be more  attracted to their mind, than their looks. They put friendship  much higher up in the relationship stakes than love. You may  need to do the same and forget about romantic gestures and  dates.




Girls Who Are Boring


Coming into contact with girls who are boring is not  uncommon. That usually means that you have no shared  interests, on which to build a relationship.


During your initial contact, the girl may seem fun and outgoing.  However, once you’ve covered all the get to know you bits. You  will likely run out of things to talk about. As you have no  shared interests or hobbies the relationship will quickly stall. It  may be better not to start a relationship in the first place.