The Secret to the Law of Attraction by Kenny Bus - HTML preview

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The Secret To The Law Of Attraction Scientific study of male and female interactions

What is it behind the attraction for men to women and women to men? What is it about the individual that makes them irresistible to their opposite counterpart? There is a number of factors that needs to be considered; yet let's look at the core of the predicament: the Science of Attraction.

The main component that allows for mate selection seems to lie in the evolutionary need for the species to continue. There is no doubt that in animal species, the strong is chosen to carry on the reproduction process because it is likely they would produce strong or stronger offspring.

Weak members are never chosen in the animal kingdom because of the need to survive. If weak members were chosen to procreate, it is likely their children would be weak as well, possibly not surviving into adulthood thus this would end the species.

Primarily, males and females that battled and proved themselves strongest attracted mates more often. Then, they would choose from the strongest from those. Mother Nature's circle of life would indeed go on, with genes often ensuring their children were given ample opportunity in the very beginning of their lives. No different from males and females of the human race search out those people of the healthiest and physically fit types. It is they who can survive physically in the environment.

Set aside those of strongest and survivalist, pheromones play a big part in attracting mates. What are pheromones? Pheromones are chemically secreted molecules that are produced and carried through an airborne route, which causes a great deal of sexual response in animals (including humans, too.) An animal carries the belief that the pheromone allowed the animal to choose a mate based up its ability to produce offspring with a strong immune system.

Up until recently, it was thought the human race had lost the pheromone ability to attract a mate. However, research into how much of a role pheromones play on the human race is not available. All of it is in the matter of speculation. So with this being the case, is the human race no different from their animal kingdom when it comes to avoiding extinction

It all seems that scientific evidence pertaining to the human attraction to one another lies in the ability to produce strong children. It seems that pheromones offer the child the greatest possible combinations of immune systems that will ensure their well being. A physical attraction guarantees the child will have the physically best chance to survive in their adulthood. All this supports the theory of survival of the fittest.