The Secret to the Law of Attraction by Kenny Bus - HTML preview

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The Consequences With The Secret To The Law Of Attraction

Every adult knows that when you have an action, you end up with a reaction. With every move we make, we end up with some kind of consequence. However, adults need to teach children  that everything has a consequence.

Yet, not all consequences are bad. A good consequence is flowers growing when it rains and then the sun comes out. This is a positive consequence.

However, a negative consequence can be when a person is out in public drinking alcohol and then gets behind the wheel of a car and driving it. This can come with a very high price... either  with an accident or getting caught by police and going to jail.

This holds true when you talk about the law of attraction. If a person follows the law, then it is supposed to lead to gratification and maybe even happiness. But there is always a price to pay  when you break the law.

Only when you break this law, it is not as simple as going to jail or doing community service.

This breakage of the law will follow you for the reminder of your life. Some of the law breaking negative consequence is listed below.

* You will grow old, perhaps fat, bald and alone

* You could have a Hell's Angel gang after you for the rest of your life

* You'll find yourself married, raising a family and living in a small town, all after you get married  after only two dates.

* You'll be unemployed

* You'll be in jail

* You may have an unhappy wife or husband stalking you

* You could be the king or queen of a barren island

* You may tell tales of your humiliation to family and friends

* You won't be invited to Happy Hour on Fridays anymore

* No more office party invitations

* You could be sleeping in the barn rather than a house

* Your pride could be broken where you walk with your head in shame and not up high

* You can never look your friends in the eye again

* Old friends will never be friends of the future as it is just too weird

* You could be in love with someone but never get the feeling returned

* Strange men and women will be calling your home all the time, at all hours

* Strange packages will be on your doorstep every day

* Your kids could end up hating you and

* You could be at the business end of a pink slip or a gun.

Of course, these are extreme situations where you may or may not find yourself at. Although the possibility does exist, one wrong step does not mean all bad things will happen to you from that point on.

It is imperative that people weight their choices carefully when it comes to things of importance. For your see... the law of attraction can go either way: it is either a positive or negative consequences.