The Seven Laws of Seduction: How to Attract Beautiful Women and Enjoy a Supercharged Sex Life by FLASH STAR - HTML preview

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Why is meeting and attracting women such a challenge? When you think about it, it doesn’t make any sense. All of us, men and women, are biologically driven to want sex in order to procreate. And, given the noises they make, it seems likely that women actually enjoy sex even more than we do! So how come simply approaching, showing an interest, and being nice doesn’t get guys laid on a consistent basis? Well, there’s actually a very good reason for this: the two genders have different mate selection criteria. Men will select a sexual partner largely on the basis of her looks—a pretty face, a good hip-to-waist ratio, pert breasts, shapely legs, etc. Women, although they too select on looks, are also looking for something more from the men they sleep with—a kind of x-factor (or sex-factor ) that we might term dominant alpha male mating characteristics . In most cases, these characteristics override other factors, such as physical attractiveness, height, body shape, age, and wealth in the woman’s selection process. The good news is that with some application, and by acquainting yourself with the Seven Laws of Seduction, these dominant characteristics are easy to acquire: this book teaches you how.

In my teens and early twenties, I made every mistake in the book a man can possibly make with women. It took me many years of bad experiences, depression, research, realisations, and trial and error to get to the position where I am now—confident in my own skin and able to go out and regularly meet and attract women successfully. The road has been long, hard, and arduous, but I wouldn’t change it, as it has enabled me to analyse and break down element-by- element the precise steps required to successfully attract multiple women, which I describe for you in detail here. I am a man of average looks, height, and income, but I regularly bat way above my average on the London scene, which is dominated by celebrities and wealthy playboys. I am currently enjoying the good life, dating five attractive girls in their early twenties nonexclusively, and the great news is that you can, too, if you absorb and apply the simple lessons set out in this book.

The Seven Laws of Seduction are fundamental human principles that have governed male-female mating patterns since the dawn of time. They are literally the secrets of sexual attraction . Amazingly, though, this information is not readily available, for example, it’s not taught in schools, and it’s not the substance of conventional dating advice. Men in the know—the secret elite clique of international seducers who enjoy the sexual attention of hundreds and sometimes thousands of women the world over—all apply the Seven Laws consistently. I only discovered them through over a decade of trial and error, reading books on psychology and biomechanics, and spending time with some of the planet’s most successful playboys—men who meet and attract stunning women as easily as you or I might order a pizza. Knowing these secret laws has not been easy: men guarded them fiercely, and women were either not consciously aware of them or would expect a “real man” to know them instinctively and would certainly never tell.

But you are fortunate. The principles that took me over ten years to learn are laid out for you here simply and in detail. In the few hours it takes to read this book, you will learn everything you need to know to start going out today and meeting the kinds of hot women you never thought possible you’d hook up with. Why do I give away this information so easily, even though it will make me unpopular with those top seducers who naturally want to protect their advantage as well as with women who want to filter out the men from the boys? Well, for one thing, I believe in a karmic flow of knowledge. Once you have learned something, you should teach it to others, and you will be rewarded with new information from other sources. Also, if sharing this information with other guys saves them time and gets them results, and if women are happier meeting more men who understand how to seduce them, then that can only be a good thing.

One thing is certain: once you have learned the Seven Laws, internalised them, and begun acting on them, you will see your success with women increase in a way you would never have imagined.

My Story

When I was four years old, attending school for the first time, I had a classmate called Donna, a girl I met in the playground. For a time, we got on very well, spending breaks together and playing childhood games. I considered Donna pretty, and she made me feel funny in a way I didn’t understand, having no reference for it. Our friendship continued until one day it was announced that Donna would be moving to another school. After she had left, my parents received a message from hers: Donna wanted me to come over to her house for a play date. I was an incredibly shy boy and told my father I didn’t want to go, but he insisted, saying it would be good for me, and so one afternoon I went over to her house and we played together, having a wonderful time emptying all the laundry out of her mother’s basket onto the floor. I remember even then feeling as though she were above me in some way but not being able to articulate properly whatever it was I felt for her. The play date passed without further incident, and I went home, happy to have spent a little more time in the company of a girl I felt—even then—to be a special creature worthy of putting on a pedestal.

That was as good as it got for the next sixteen years .

As I got older, I was the stereotypical nerd at school—shy, withdrawn, into books and studying rather than sports. Because of troubles at home (my parents divorced early, and I had a bad time with my stepmother), I was very introverted. My social skills were poor, and I found it hard to relate to other guys, let alone girls. Then as I grew into a teenager, I developed chronic acne, which was the final nail in the coffin. Not only did I feel apart from others but now I also had a physical condition that made me feel they were judging me, and that made me want to run away and hide.

Beginning with my experience with Donna, I somehow thought that girls were “above” me—that I was a pitiful worm, while they were angelic creatures that could only be “won” by incredibly good-looking, popular guys—frequently jerks —and that the only possible hope I might have would be through being nice to them in the hope that at some point they would see the error of their ways and choose me instead. Needless to say, this approach didn’t work out well. I had taken to putting individual girls on pedestals and developing long-standing crushes on them, interpreting any random glance or smile as a sign they liked me but being too afraid to do anything about it. I would even send flowers and gifts to these girls in an effort to show how much they meant to me and what a nice, considerate guy I was. Of course, all this demonstrated was that I didn’t have the courage to actually approach them in person, and so my money was wasted as they were repulsed. Even more oddly, because of these obsessions, I actually ignored or at least failed to follow up with those few girls who did give signs that they might be interested in me. The last thing I wanted to do was rock the boat and spoil whatever imagined chance I might have with “Anna” up there on her pedestal.

Things finally improved a little when I left home and went to college. Here, away from my family, I was able to experiment with my clothes, and I also began working part-time in a nightclub, which gave me a slightly elevated status within a small subsector of the city where I was living. Through this, I finally met my first proper girlfriend and lost my virginity when I was twenty. Somehow, I had lucked out. “Becky” was beautiful. There were loads of guys who’d been queuing up to date her but were now unable to work out how this skinny guy with a weird dress sense had managed to get in there first. Becky and I dated for around six months, but I had no idea how to keep a woman interested, and she soon became bored and cheated on me before finally dumping me just before Christmas. I was absolutely devastated. The emotional pain I experienced then was some of the worst I’d ever endured. I tried to get her back, calling her up day and night, and even going to her place of work with a soft toy (a stuffed monkey—her favourite animal) as a gift to try to convince her to change her mind, but nothing worked. I couldn’t understand it. She’d told me she loved me, an emotion that I’d been taught should last forever, but here we were a few months later, her sleeping with someone else, and me alone.

I fell into a deep depression for a while. As I started to recover, I began pursuing girls more aggressively and actually started to see some good results. Although I was still very reliant on my “status” as a barman to help, I was developing skills and had embarked on what was, for me, the long journey of learning about women. Perhaps the only thing I did right at this point was to approach a lot of girls and ask them out. This alone garnered me some successes, and I would recommend everyone reading this book to do this too. What I came to realise, though, was that these approaches shared no consistency whatsoever. I was reliant entirely on blind luck. If a girl happened to like me, then great; if not, I had no chance. I was also incredibly hung up on what to say to women after I’d introduced myself, an area that I found incredibly difficult to overcome.

It was by moving to London, though, in 2004 that changed my life forever, for it was here that I discovered the “seduction community” for the first time.

The “Seduction Community”: A Brief History

There have been a great many books and manuals over the years, and certainly since the ’70s, that have tried to teach men how to pick up women, although the early titles were very rudimentary and perhaps not always that comprehensive. Certainly the genre had an image problem, as these books were frequently sold from small ads at the back of magazines and had the same somewhat tarnished, furtive reputation as porn. The advent of the Internet changed all of that. Suddenly, forums sprung up—mainly from the US but also from the UK and other countries—spaces where men could talk to one another about what was becoming known as “pick up” or the art of attracting women. Aspiring PUAs (pick up artists) could compare notes and experiences and slowly, over time, a consensus regarding fundamental principles that seemed to work consistently was reached. Through these forums, a number of gurus rose to fame, some operating under Internet handles like Mystery (Erik Von Markovik) and Tyler Durden (Owen Cook, who now runs the very successful dating and self- development company RSD) as well as Paul Janka and Beckster and others, many of whom are still active today.

The book that blew up the whole movement and attracted mass attention was The Game by Neil Strauss (2005), an international best-seller that charted the lives of Mystery, Tyler, Papa, and others and revealed many tricks of the trade. Previously, the community and the dating companies emerging from it had largely offered clever lines, stories, and techniques for guys to use when interacting with women. But now that the scene had been brought to mainstream attention (there was even talk of a pickup movie for a long time), many pulled back from using scripted gags and “routine stacks,” afraid that their targets would recognise them. Instead, a new focus developed on studying the techniques used by so-called “naturals”—guys naturally good with women—to see if what they did (which was ad hoc and unscripted) could be replicated by other men—men like me who had previously had no reliable system for approaching and engaging with girls.

I had previously read advice online from the likes of David Deangelo, but as for many other men, The Game was a game changer for me. I read it voraciously when it came out, fascinated both by Mystery’s insights into human psychology and by the way “game” was shown to change the lives of those who studied it. As soon as I’d put it down, I went online and joined a forum called the London Seduction Society, which changed my life forever. I was determined to learn as much as I could about meeting and seducing women. I read as much as I could online, chatted to other enthusiasts and, most importantly, began going to nightclubs, bars, and daytime venues, putting into practice everything I was learning. The results were astounding. Finally, I was able to piece together a framework based on my previous experiences coupled with these new external influences—a framework that allowed me to meet, engage, have sex, and enter into relationships with a wide variety of women.

The “Anti-Game” Movement

After the initial excitement around these new techniques for attracting women had died down, a new strain of content critical of seduction material started to appear. These blogs and websites took issue with some of the more flashy tricks advocated in the early days of the movement. Their general view was that the idea of “getting good” at seduction was an illusion—that there is nothing to be learned, as women are the sexual selectors, and they select based on narrow criteria, such as looks, height, and money. This view is patently wrong, and what is ironic is that the more subtle advice of many of these writers, which essentially boils down to “approach, but don’t make much effort; if she likes you, she’ll let you know” is in itself just another form of game (and not necessarily a bad one). Whenever any man approaches a woman hoping to have sex with her, he is using a technique of some kind, even if this technique is simply “I have no idea what I’m doing, so I’m just going to talk to her and wing it.” So you might as well use an informed technique rather than not. While I would agree that there is no magic bullet for instantly achieving great results, I can say from personal experience that by internalising the principles I outline here—the Seven Laws—and by taking massive action, that is, by actually going out and approaching many, many women and refining, you will be more successful.

Now, after over a decade in the game, I have a whole raft of experiences to draw from: meeting and seducing women who were previously strangers in London, Manchester, New York, Moscow, Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Ibiza, and North Africa to name but a few. I have met girls in nightclubs, bars, restaurants, shopping malls, hair salons, on trains, in offices, and on aeroplanes. I have spoken to women on public tr