The Ultimate SWAG of Mind by Ali Ahmad Awan - HTML preview

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Fear is Contagious

Just as a smiling person shares a smile with those around him, so does a fearful person share panic. The nervous person not only promotes the irrational questions that arise in his mind, but he also casts doubts in the minds of others and makes the lives of others very narrow.








ust as we need water, so we need uncertainty. If everything in our lives remained the same, we J would get bored. We would not feel like waking up in the morning. Uncertainty does not mean that something terrible will happen. Uncertainty does not mean that we will not be able to cope up with the situation. It is the uncertainty that makes our lives interesting . If we know what the outcome of the cricket

match is going to be, we will not be able to enjoy the

cricket match. If we all knew what was going to happen in our lives in the future, we would stop working. If there is a lack of uncertainty in your life, it means that you are not doing anything new. A successful person is known to have a lot of uncertainty in life, and many things happening in his day. He is known as the one who chose the ‘road less traveled by.’ The chosen road can be completely bizarre even. And when the person keeps on investing on that road, things keep on getting easier. It gets less risky, and uncertainty starts to decrease.


The more a person faces situations a day, the sooner that person becomes excellent.

Remember that our past was also uncertain; not everything went according to our will. Some things are beyond our control. Happiness lies in acknowledging the fact that things will continue to change in our lives and that we will never be certain.

Uncertainty makes us strong and makes us realize how beautiful life is because nature exists, and everything is going in our favor. Uncertainty not only helps us deal with anxiety but also teaches us to make better decisions for the future. The better we make decisions, the easier our lives will be, and the happier we will be.





here are a lot of situations when no matter how hard we try, some things are out of our control.

T We can never customize everything. We think that we have to fix everything that happens in our life, but this is not true because man cannot master all the things, so we have to leave some things to nature because nature makes better decisions than we do.

We will never be able to understand the ‘why’ of countless situations nor be able to get at the answer of ‘how would life be if this didn’t happen to me.’ We all must come to peace with the fact that even though there are numerous possibilities, we have limited control and make the most out of what nature has given us already.

When we take nature out of our lives, we are making our lives more difficult. When we are in doubt, and we have done our best, but we don’t know what to do. It's time to

leave everything to God. It's time to let God!






Be your Own Swaggy Valentine

o you think that no one loves you? Do you believe that you will always be single? We D celebrate other all our lives, but we forget to celebrate ourselves. We love others all our lives, but we forget to love ourselves. We respect others all our lives, but we forget to appreciate ourselves.

"You teach people how to treat you by what you

allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce."

-Phil McGraw

We often chase people and forget our identities. We spend our entire lives trying hard to get the attention of the person who doesn’t even consider it appropriate to reply to us. We want to see the happiness of the person who leaves us crying and falls asleep. We become so dependent on the other person that we begin to feel inferior and change ourselves in such a way that we think 24

the other person may be attracted to us.

Remember that the person who values you will never leave you. The person who values you will never put you in a position where he/she might lose you. Whenever we experience a breakup, the future that we have imagined with that person is shattered. All our dreams and hopes are shattered. People think that it is effortless for a person who has had a breakup to get out of this, but in fact, it is not so at all because it is a harrowing process. Getting out

of a breakup requires motivation as well as support.


Take, for example, that if we want to quench the thirst

of a thirsty person with an empty glass, it is not possible.

In the same way, if we do not have love within ourselves, we cannot share love in the world. We need to love ourselves first. In the past, our elders focused on survival, and they did not teach us what the difference between Self Sacrifice and Self Love is. We have been taught that we have to take care of others more than ourselves. We often take so much care of others that others start taking us for granted.


If we want to fly, we have to learn FLY, which means

"First Love Yourself." We have been taught that perhaps self-love is to be selfish; in fact, it is not to be selfish at all. What is the reason that when people go to the cinema to watch a movie, they try not to go alone? The idea is that we do not enjoy our own company. We also need to be our best friend. We also need to observe the conversation we have with ourselves.







Buddhist proverb says learning to unlearn is the highest form of learning. Just as not A everything can be said, not everything can be heard. We often learn things that ruin our peace, and then these things become our beliefs. We have to learn how to unlearn and then relearn things. We have a lot of beliefs that don't allow us to grow. These are the beliefs that we have learned since childhood, and we never challenge them. We have never been taught to unlearn things. We are not prepared for anyone to challenge our beliefs. We do not want to hear anything about our beliefs. We become defensive and cut off contact with the person who talks about our beliefs. The world is changing every day, and even new ways of parenting have come up today. If we have to keep up with the world, we have to do unlearning.



Socrates Triple Filter Test:

Socrates taught the world a great lesson. Whenever anyone came to Socrates, he would take a particular test and keep his mind at peace. Whenever someone came to tell Socrates something, Socrates used to do a Triple Filter Test before listening to him and ask him three questions 1. Are you sure what you're going to say to me is true?

2. Is what you're going to tell me right or not?

3. Is what you’re going to tell me useful or not?

This Socrates Triple Filter Test always helps us when we are learning something new. This test will help you filter out irrational and unnecessary thoughts. This technique is also used for talking with people. Say what is best and kindest. Say what is right. You don’t need to say too much, which isn’t necessary. This benefits both sides; the speaker and the listener.







remember when I was younger, I was influenced by many leaders, and I was so impressed with them that I I used their picture as a profile picture on Social Networking Sites. I was scared to put my profile picture because I thought I don't have my identity, and I can't influence people, but one day my mother told me to make my own identity. She said, "Don't use another leader's

profile picture as your profile picture on social

networking sites. You have to become a great leader one

day. Don't underestimate yourself, and you are our

hero". The biggest problem young people have today is that they start following other people very quickly.

Young people forget their identity by following any politicians or any other influencer and keep promoting that person their entire lives. Politicians/Influencers have a social media team that keeps promoting them, but young people don't understand this. Politicians use youth for their purposes because politicians know that it is effortless to play with youth energy. The real leader is the 29

one who makes other leaders too. Swaggy leaders don't create followers. Why does the same party always come to power that focuses on the youth? This is because the party leader knows that the youth will sacrifice their lives to promote the leader? Ask yourself today; are you becoming a leader? Are you creating your own identity?

Are you doing something that will earn you respect in society? Learn from a leader his leadership skills and try to become a leader yourself. Don't become a follower!

Have your vision and lead others towards it.







Most individuals spend more time and energy going

around problems than in trying to solve them.

- Henry Ford

ou will always see unsuccessful people talking about problems. You will see people Y who can’t do anything on their own, start talking about issues in their lives while on the other hand some successful people only talk about the solution. They focus more on the obstacles instead of figuring out ways on how to remove them.

Successful people realize that all people have limited time and energy they can invest in in a day. So they focus on what leads to productivity only. They focus on self-actualization.

If we start talking about things that will improve our lives, we will be able to live better. Talking about problems makes it more difficult and increases our chances of getting depressed, but if we talk about solving problems, 31

we can solve problems quickly. And the problem solving process is pretty fun too!

So yes, whenever we talk about difficulty, it makes us look harder, and we get discouraged.

So far, there is no problem in this world that cannot be