The Ultimate SWAG of Mind by Ali Ahmad Awan - HTML preview

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Young people often think that their professional life will only start after they complete their education, but I say that young people must have their visiting card and on top of that young people should write everything in which they are experts. One thing that makes a young person unique is that he has his visiting card and that he must have skills in one thing or another. Imagine if you meet a young man and he gives you his visiting-card after asking how you are doing, how impressed you will be.

Until you have mastered one thing, make a visiting card

and write on it that ‘I am a student. This card must be in addition to your university or college card.






e should also decide our date of death. Of

course, it is in the hands of Allah that He W can call us to Himself anytime, but when

we keep in mind that I have to live for a certain year, we will reduce the fights. We will make the best use of our time.

Imagine that you think you have to live in this world for

a hundred years. You will exercise every day. You will

take special care of your health. You will not think about

the things that are bothering you. Most people think that life is for four days. Eat and drink for two days, and enjoy the rest of two days. Most people make decisions without thinking. Most people take such risks without thinking that their whole life is at stake. When we know that we have to live for a certain year, then we will make wise decisions.









t is said that if wealth is taken away from all the rich people of this world, it will return to them in the next I two years. People who are self-made millionaires know how to make money again. These people are not accidentally rich; they have the skills to make money.

Unfortunately, many politicians do not have the skills to

make money, which is why many politicians go

bankrupt. We are capable of earning as much as we are earning because nature does justice. We can earn more if we work on our abilities, but unfortunately, we do not work on our abilities and keep crying that inflation has gone up. It has not gone up; we have not worked on our abilities.

People with a poor mentality always think about saving

money while people with rich mentality think about