The Ultimate SWAG of Mind by Ali Ahmad Awan - HTML preview

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how to make more money.

Our thinking pattern has a lot to do with being rich. If we think we can never be rich, we will never be rich; because 38

we think that we will not be rich. Many of us envy rich people. Few people aren’t. These few usually include those who have a chalked out plan about to make good money in the future and are already working on that plan.

If you think that all the rich people have become rich by using illegal means or other shortcuts, if you think that making money is wrong, then you will not be able to get rich. In our schools, colleges, and universities, we are taught to cram, but we are not taught to be financially intelligent. We are not taught to think.

Our education system should immediately introduce a

subject that teaches children how to make money and

how to invest that money. Financial literacy is integral.






e have been taught one thing all our lives

that we should not give up, but let me tell W you one thing that we should give up

sometimes because we are sometimes trying to achieve something that is not right for us.

Sometimes the best directions are redirection.

Often are only trying to achieve a specific goal because of our ego. A lot of times, we try to get someone toxic for us, but we keep chasing him just because if we don't get it, we feel that people will make fun of us, and we try to prevent that from happening. We also often need to conserve our energy. We often focus our energy on things that are pushing us back. Become a guard of your energy.

Use your energy wisely.







o one in this universe is perfect except the

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

N Many times we try to idealize a particular person, and we think that maybe we have to get the complete knowledge from that person. The biggest mistake that can happen is that we begin to perceive this person as perfect and often try to idealize his shortcomings as well.

We must know that one person is not an expert in every field. We can never see a person mastering in every area.

It often happens that if the person we are trying to idealize makes a mistake, we become upset because we do not want to see his mistake.

After all, in our imagination, that person is complete.

Learn from a different person in each field. If you're

going to learn the art of speaking, learn from a person

who speaks fluently. If you want to learn the art of writing, learn from a person who writes brilliantly. If 41

you're going to learn the art of analyzing things, learn from a person who explains things very well.

It is wrong for people to ask us, “who is your ideal person." The question should be, “who is your ideal

person in this particular field?”






ur brain is the prime minister of our whole body, and this prime minister also needs a O cabinet. I have long benefited from a technique. I still use this technique.

Whenever I have to make a judgment, I ask my cabinet, and my cabinet includes experts from every field. These are the people I would have considered part of the cabinet in my mind that they are in my cabinet. If I had to make a leadership decision, I would have assumed in my mind that if there was a Quaid-e-Azam in this place, what would he have decided? I have assumed in my mind what decisions Nelson Mandela would have made if he had been here.

If I had to write something that would impress others, I would assume in my mind that if there was Shakespeare

in that place or Allama Iqbal in that place, how would they write? If I have to do something consistently and do it bravely, then I assume in my mind that if Imran Khan

was here, how would he make decisions? If I had to drive 43

carefully, I would assume in my mind what advice they would give me if there were traffic police representatives in the area. If I were to sing a classical song, I would assume in my mind that the people who sang great classical songs, if they were in my place, how would they sing? I can't sing like these great people, but I would at least sing better than my old performances. Remember always to have a cabinet in your mind. Whenever you have to make some decisions, whenever you have to learn something, whenever you have to move forward in life, you must consult all these people. When you see yourself in the place of these people, you will be able to make better decisions because we have some idea of what that person would have decided if he had been here.





remember as a child when I was in school, and I was the only child who initiated anything. I was the I only child who had his opinion and conveyed opinions to the teacher. I was the only child who wasn't afraid to talk because I knew that the person who initiates something first wins. It's only in our minds that if we initiate something, maybe we can't do it right, and when we don't get it, right people will make fun of us saying look he can't do it.

At least, we are better than all those who do not take action. I have always been a child who wanted to be in the limelight. Whenever I attended a public seminar as a child, I would give my opinion to the people. I knew that people would start following the person who spoke first because a lot of people are afraid that we can't have an opinion. Many people begin to support what others say, even though they do not agree with the person.

They only support it because they cannot express their opinion. They support the other person because they do not have the skills to express their opinion. Always try 45

to be in the limelight. Always emerge as a leader.

Always convey your idea to the people






hen, we start taking life too seriously;

we often get depressed because we are not

W ready to tolerate small mistakes. Stop

taking life seriously; take your life the way you watch cartoons on TV. Let's use cartoons as an analogy.

Whenever we watch cartoons, we want the best to happen to our favorite cartoon characters. We know their struggles. The struggle makes their achievements more meaningful. When we watch our favorite cartoon character or superhero fail, we wish for them to improve.

We don't get angry at them because we can empathize thoroughly.

We should treat ourselves the same way. Do not be too

hard on yourself and learn from your mistakes instead

of scolding yourselves for them. And just like them, strive to achieve more success each year. Achieve one goal after the other, and keep on moving forward!







ccording to studies, people who have a good sense of humor are less likely to suffer from A depression because they are the ones who find something useful in everything. A good sense of humor not only helps us deal with people but also a good sense of humor is great for our mental health. Having a brilliant sense of humor is the blessing of Allah Almighty. People have always tried to stay close to me because I had a good sense of humor. People started trusting me very quickly because there are studies that show that everyone wants to be very close to people who have a great sense of humor. I've never had a tough time talking to people because I've always joked about every problematic thing.

I was one of the few boys who made classmates laugh during lectures.

If you know how to make people laugh, people will never get

bored with your personality. People will always want to keep in touch with you. Make sure you stay in the realm of morality and make others laugh.






hen we study psychology, then we stop being angry with people because we know

W that people are not doing anything

intentionally. We are all doing what we are doing according to our limited intellect, and we are doing everything right according to ourselves. I used to be very angry with people because I thought people deliberately behave in a certain way, but now that I have started studying psychology, I don't get mad. Still, I feel love and compassion for people because I found that people do nothing wrong on purpose. Some people have a chemical imbalance in their brain. Some people do not get enough sleep because of which they are getting irritated.

There are some people whose genes include particular behavior. Psychology is a subject that, after studying, you’ll have a completely different outlook on how you view people.

You will be able to understand individuals better. Try to learn something from every human being. God has given every human

being a unique ability. Imagine how much better we would

be if we had the idea that we have to learn something useful