The Way of The Fairy Godmother by Jennifer Morse MS PhD - HTML preview

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Immersed in behaviors supporting our dreams we can take a look around us and like Cinderella—when we arrive at the celebration—allow ourselves the time to savor the wonder of it all. Like Cinderella we can lose ourselves in the moment caught up in the gift of the present. Savoring awakens us. Savoring raises our energetic vibration. We become an antenna for our unique vibration of beauty and pleasure. By consciously savoring the beauty and  pleasure  of each moment, we multiply and increase its power. We contribute to the Universal Law of Ever- Expanding Beneficence, the ever evolving goodness of life.

As a way to encourage savoring, I put focal points of beauty around my home, office, and garden. This is a simple yet powerful tool. As I rest my eye on beauty new thoughts, creative and resilient, emerge. A focal point of beauty could be an artifact, art, picture, poem, anything personal to us designed to pull our attention toward beauty and away from stress. Can you see how this shift in attention creates a buffer to the minutiae of stress infiltrating daily life? I’m not advocating the denial of feelings or the avoidance of reality. Tough times can require a direct inquiry, analysis, and/or acceptance of overwhelming pain. And yet, points of beauty in our environment can soothe and calm. Why do you think flowers are the gift of choice in bereavement? Their scent is a delicate blessing. They are to lift our spirit that we might not be lost in the deluge of grief. Your focal point of beauty might be a vase of flowers, a beautiful piece of art, a statue, photo, or even a rock or sea shell.

Focal points help us reflect the spiritual and literal aspects of life simultaneously. They help us practice savoring. More than one guest in my home has said the exact same words, “Everywhere  I look in your house my eye falls on beauty.” Wow. And just like symbols, focal points of beauty penetrate across the dimensions of self. Focal points of beauty are symbols. Images, they interpenetrate our conscious mind and unconscious mind, the heart, the soul and the spirit simultaneously. They speak to all levels of who we are and our dreams. A quiet moment viewing a focal point of beauty positively affects respiration rate, blood pressure, and our biochemistry. There is a flood of cascading neuro-muscular and biochemical events that take place when we pause to savor beauty. They create a moment, a breath, to refocus our attention on what has meaning and purpose. Use focal points of beauty to create a reconnect, reset, begin again or pause. Take in the beauty and breathe. Let it wash over you and feel the pain or stress lessen if not fall away. Focal points of beauty are present throughout my days and evenings. I either take a fleeting glance as I’m walking by, or I stop and pay attention to the shapes, colors and textures of my guide and treasure. I let the beauty enter and flow through me. Try it. It’s easy, fun, and speaks to our authentic self.

Sometimes focal points of beauty are attached to a quality I’m cultivating or reflect  an ambition I have, or they are just plain beautiful. Pausing, my attention is pulled toward my goal. My attention is pulled toward serenity. Beauty wires in the goal, or quality I’m seeking, with my central nervous system. I’m reminded of my purpose and the corresponding acts along the Golden Ladder. I’m creating a spiritual muscle to translate the energetic into literal. A focal point ignites the energetic muscle. It ignites the invisible motivation, required to achieve the goal. For example; writing The Way of the Fairy Godmother takes, aside from the physical act of typing, energetic and mental muscles to create and complete the manuscript. Although composed of mental constructs creating the manuscript is a literal act. I’m not moving mountains but I get tired. And my behind mass has expanded corresponding to the amount of time sitting at work…..But let’s move away from that focal point.

Wooden bowls filled with sand, centered with a candle and surrounded with gems and minerals is a favorite focal point of beauty in my home and office. To me they are straight out of the Fairy Godmother playbook. Whatever you choose to create be mindful. Focal points are reminders that penetrate our thoughts, feelings and spirit, simultaneously. They give us brief moments, respites from stress. They are an invitation to redirect our attention toward beauty, toward success, toward the realization of our goals and ambitions, toward our connectivity with family, friends and the world.

When we live our dreams with intention, volition, creativity, and determination we find ourselves within the crucible of healing. The pains of the past fall away. We are no longer trapped by negative conditioning and misconceptions limiting our abilities. We are in the process of recreating our lives with beauty and power. The flame of transformation engulfs us and we are never the same again. Ask Cinderella.

Cinderella, using the Fairy Godmother methods of releasing herself from the pains of the past, focusing on positive goals, using the stuff of life readily available, incorporating resources into a specific plan that supports favorable outcomes and voila. Cinderella became a woman of power. She is no longer at the mercy of the negative factors plaguing her from the past. To live her brilliance Cinderella threw off negative conditioning and the detrimental aspects of traumatic bereavement. After she garnered the lessons, loved, calmed and soothed, her vibratory rate was no longer haunted by the phenomena therapists have come to call post-traumatic- stress. Healing is not an overnight process. Layers of pain and trauma emerge as we peel away the layers of negative conditioning. The antidote for self is always loving, calming, soothing, and empowering efforts to create a future filled with our unique gifts and destiny. Our efforts to create beauty, within the context of living our Deepest Desires, transmute the pains of the past. This is the science of alchemy. Your personal alchemy is the metaphysical process of transforming lead; the traumas and pains of the past, into gold; living and savoring the personal dreams of happiness and achievement.

Yes, we’ll have setbacks, and failures. We will be swamped with feelings to console. But with resilience, a good plan, and acting on our plan, the possibilities of positive, favorable outcomes await us in the future. I have found the keys to happiness in the simple fairytale we were told as children. The Way of the Fairy Godmother explores the Cinderella fairytale to find the skills of living the authentic and joyous life. To walk The Way of the Fairy Godmother begin to see your life and dreams through the eyes of the Fairy Godmother.