The Way of The Fairy Godmother by Jennifer Morse MS PhD - HTML preview

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The First Key to Happiness: Deepest Desires are the seeds to our happiness. The beginnings of happiness are born from the identification and recognition of deepest desires.

The Second Key to Happiness: Focusing on harmony, health, and success will bring more harmony, health, and success.

The Third Key to Happiness: We are filled with native talents and resources that support our Deepest Desires. Learn to apply them in daily life.

The Fourth Key to Happiness: Create a Proclamation that revolutionizes the inner and outer world while creating health, beauty, and prosperity for ourselves and others.

The Fifth Key to Happiness: It is not enough to want our Deepest Desires to appear in life. To bring forth success and happiness, create and implement Golden Ladders. Climbing the rungs manifests our Deepest Desires into the everyday world.

The Sixth Key to Happiness: Create a language that is positive and reflects Deepest Desires. Become conscious of the words we use to describe our goals, attitudes, moods, desires, behaviors and motivations. Become like the Fairy Godmother and speak only loving and positive words.

The Seventh Key to Happiness: People who find success never give up striving toward creating their Deepest Desires in tangible forms that beautify life.

The Eighth Key to Happiness: In order to transform our dreams into reality we release all that sabotages our efforts in order to claim our dreams in the everyday world.

The Ninth Key to Happiness: Transformation occurs when you release the unwanted, claim the wanted, and perform specific acts that reflect the determination to manifest Deepest Desires.