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Chapter 4: Energy & Thought

In my prior post, Human Potential Energy, Human Kinetic Energy, I mentioned that a person's human kinetic energy ceases when his/her human mass dies. We can easily observe this fact when we have a completely lifeless form of human mass--if we burn this mass, its entire flesh and bone, it is reduced to nothing but ash. However, I also stated that we are living in a perpetual state of human kinetic energy, which is also a statement of truth, and ultimately, this human kinetic energy is absorbed and transferred to other humans without end.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Just as I have mentioned about human mass and bomb mass are the same mass (prior post), energy can only be transferred from one place to another; it cannot disappear. For instance, if we have two cars traveling at 88 mph, and both cars are heading straight towards each other, when the two cars crash, their energy does not cancel out. The force of impact will be absorbed from each vehicle and it will release in a loud explosion, glass flying everywhere, metals crumpling from the impact, etc. and all that energy will continue outwards into space and against the floor of the Earth. The sound of impact alone can travel to far, far distances.

Human kinetic energy works in the same principle. For instance, as of now I am using my kinetic energy to type this blog on top of a keyboard, and I am relying on the kinetic energy of this computer and the internet which were invented by the kinetic energy of other humans to post my blog. After my blog posts on the internet, there will be other humans using their kinetic energy to read my blog and if they choose, humans can absorb the kinetic energy that is expressed in my words as good or bad information and make judgments about such words for future kinetic energy use. If humans intentionally change their kinetic energy behavior after reading my blog, then that form of kinetic energy will be transferred to other humans, which will affect other humans, etc. And this process will never cease. Even if I die as soon as my blog posts on the internet, my kinetic energy spent posting my blog has the opportunity to affect the kinetic energy of countless people. It would not matter if perhaps only one person reads it. If his/her behavior changes because of my words, then others will be affected by it, and that energy will continue to spread to other people, then to more people, and so on.

The other important aspect of human kinetic energy which we must understand is thought. By thought, I make use of the small kinetic energy of moving my fingers in order to type the words that I am thinking about. Without trained, consecutive thought I have no use of the kinetic energy of my fingers to be able to type, because I will really have nothing to say. Thought then, is the ultimate driving force which guides and molds human kinetic energy which is transferred to other human kinetic energy, and so forth. As a matter of fact, we constantly absorb and transfer human kinetic energy based on the thoughts of building  and using different types of forms, e.g. cars, buildings, microwaves, airplanes, guns, beds, etc. every day. From this observation of perpetual human kinetic energy, and from my analysis of the formula E=mc² (prior post), I come to the conclusion that thought is the driving force of energy throughout the entire world. Essentially, thought, mass, and energy are all the same.

Thought exists in all forms of mass throughout the universe. In my post E=mc² I discussed how all forms of mass are condensed energy. And the condensed energy in mass is so powerful that if we can convert such mass back into pure energy, the effects will be beyond imagination. Just by making a 1-lb rock turn itself into pure energy, the explosive power can kill thousands upon thousands of people within seconds. This same energy of power condensed in the mass of any rock can be found in blades of grass, snowflakes, animals, trees, and so forth. All mass we see is condensed energy of epic proportions. And all this infinite form of condensed energy we call mass functions in the universe in an orderly and scientific way. Planets orbit other planets, water changes shape, and objects all move in ways that can be expressed with absolute mathematical and scientific precision. It is, therefore, my conclusion that thought has to be put into mass in order for mass to exist. To argue that throughout history, epic proportions of energy condensed into mass, then all the different types of mass holding such epic proportions of energy began to function with scientific and mathematical precision throughout the world, and it all happened because of chance and randomness is unconvincing. Thought has to exist in order for mass to exist.

When we create something, we use thought. We cannot create anything without holding to the thought of what we want to create. And the more precise and complex our measurements are the more complex and grand our products can be. This fact of thought must apply to "universal thought"; it must have existed before the creation of our universe. And this thought perpetuates throughout mass and energy within the universe. Thought is mass/energy everywhere. Without thought, mass/energy cannot function along its scientific lines of existence. Without thought everything will be formless. There will be no planets or organisms or movement because there will be no thought to such things. Therefore, thought always existed before the existence of these things and thought continues to exist as the "things" we perceive. Thought has no beginning. Thought has no end. Thought simply exists.

We are a part of that existence of thought. The thoughts we think originated from the creation of "universal thought." It is as if we are a concentrated form of universal thought and live in this boundless universe and have been granted limitless potential energy. An analogy that comes to my mind is a magnifying glass that magnifies the light of the sun. It becomes concentrated into one tiny spot. A human being is that concentrated form of energy. However, we can think, perceive, react, move, feel, have emotions, etc. It seems then, that "universal thought" intentionally created us to experience its own creation of the world. "Universal thought" wants to see what it feels like to walk, to run, to feel cold air, to laugh, to understand pain etc. It wants to see how a mountain looks from a distant place or what it feels like to touch another living being. Everything that you and I feel, taste, and absorb as energy, we are transferring such information to "universal thought," as you and I are both a part of that "universal thought." We are a creation of the universe with unlimited potential energy and can transmit the powers of our energy to the universe we came from.

As a personal trainer, I will use my discovery and understanding of the universe to further attempt to unleash the human potential energy I have discussed. When humans come to me for help, they are already in a state of desire to unleash energy. Their goals, although innocent and simple such as losing weight, gain muscle, fit into a nice dress, etc., have unlimited bounds. I will listen to all their potential goals in life and help them achieve all their desired goals in any manner that I can. As long as their goals are realistic, and in good harmony with my intentions of racial up-building, I do not see any reason why they cannot be achieved. Again, human potential energy is unlimited as already proven in my last post. And we can transmit such unleashed energy to the entire universe. Ultimately, it is my deepest desire to take such concepts to the next level. A phrase comes to my mind at this moment, and it is a common phrase to us all: "Above & Beyond."