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Chapter 5: c² + v²

When Edison invented the light bulb, he essentially transferred his human kinetic energy onto objects around him and harnessed kinetic electrical energy to produce light from a bulb. That new form of energy he created we label as the "light-bulb" is now used all across the globe. He technically unleashed a potential form of energy, unknown to mankind before, that is now being used by billions of people every day. This "human kinetic energy form" known as Edison took different forms of mass and energy to produce what is now known as a "light-bulb". Various different forms of energy worked together to produce it. In fact, since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, we can argue, that essentially, Edison and the light bulb are both kinetic forms of energy. One is a living form of energy, the other is not. But the two are really the same. They are both energy.

Human kinetic energy can never be created. It can only be transferred from one energy source to another. As humans, we constantly absorb energy from other energy sources and constantly transfer our energy to our surroundings as well. However, unlike other forms of living beings, we are the only life-force that seems to hold unlimited potential energy (prior post). We slowly increase the available forms of potential energy, such as the "light-bulb," "cars," "airplanes," etc. as we move towards the future. I have also established the fact that we are energy-mass forms that live within a "universal thought" world (prior post). And it seems that this universal thought is using human energy-mass to experience its own creation. How then does human kinetic energy with no limits to human potential energy relate to the energy that's all around us, as all energies are essentially the same?

If we look at history, we have already established a formula for kinetic energy, which is written as:

KE = 1/2m * v² (Kinetic energy equals 1/2 the mass times its velocity squared)

This formula works perfectly. In fact, if you wish to calculate my Kinetic Energy when I walk 3mph down Wilshire Blvd, the formula works as:

1/2(190 lbs) * 3mph² = 855 units of KE

When I am walking down Wilshire Blvd at 3mph, my human mass has 855 units of Kinetic Energy. If I don't slow down and hit a streetlamp, I will be transferring some of that energy to the lamp, and absorbing some of it myself (which sounds painful), and some energy will be released by the sound of the collision--which then gets transferred away into space. Everything works out perfectly in this case. However, human kinetic energy is not that simple. We not only release energy by walking, we can also run, jump, talk, listen, write, share ideas, read a book, etc. How do you express the kinetic energy in a formula when energy is being transferred in so many different ways? For instance, what energy is being transferred to my surroundings when I go from point A to point B while completing an X research? In fact, if the conclusion of my X research is as profound as Edison's invention of the light-bulb, any tiny amount of human kinetic energy, in theory, can unleash potential energy from other humans in epic proportions. And since all energy is the same, whether the energy comes from human mass or from the electricity of the light bulb mass, can there be a method to formulate such results?

I established in my prior post that all energy and all mass come from "universal thought." Thought moves everything in the universe in scientific ways. It established laws that the universe and nature follow with utmost precision. Ultimately, this thought exists as the form of both energy and mass everywhere. According to the laws of physics, energy is the property of matter and radiation that is manifest as a capacity to perform work. And mass can be defined as the quantity of matter that a body contains, as measured by its acceleration under a given force or by the force exerted on it by a gravitational field. Since universal thought is both "energy" and "mass," it must exhibit both properties. And it should work into an objective formula.

In the universe, kinetic energy is constantly being transferred among mass. Every second at any area in space, energy is being transferred. We are currently the only known mass in this space that can channel such energy to unlimited potential energy. And the universe experiences its creation through this "human" mass that we are. To unleash the potential energy that we have, we must use kinetic energy. The universe then relies on our bodies to produce such kinetic energy which will lead to more potential energy. However, there is no known formula to measure the kinetic energy being transferred from humans, since humans release energy in almost infinite ways. At the same time, humans constantly focus the transfer of their kinetic energy to unleash more potential energy, which also seems to be the desire of universal thought. I can express my observations through the following formulas:

Potential Energy Stored in Human Mass = ∞m (infinite amounts of energy times human mass)

Universal Thought = Energy

Universal Thought = mass

E = mc² (Energy = mass times the speed of light squared)

Universal Thought = c² (E/m = 1 Universal Thought)

Human Kinetic Energy = ∞m * v², or v² (an infinite number of energy times its mass cannot be expressed by any number, so mass becomes almost irrelevant, just v²)

Universal Thought and Human Kinetic Energy combined = c² + v²

c² + v²:

My proposal for : c² is Universal Thought. This claim may sound completely irrational but it also makes perfect sense. Einstein worked it in his formula, but we all know that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. And if c² were to stand alone, outside the realms of the formula E=mc², how could such a thing exist? You cannot multiply a mass with something that does not exist or the formula will equal to zero. But c² does exist and we can make it work in Einstein's famous formula. Also since Universal Thought always exists, and always existed from the beginning of the universe, it makes perfect sense to express Universal Thought as the speed of light squared. Universal Thought is everywhere. It is immeasurable. It has no beginning. And it has no end. It does not travel in time like we do. It simply is.

My proposal for : v² is the expression of continuous, never-ending human kinetic energy. And as the formula states, it gets bigger and bigger over time. The idea that energy is velocity squared comes from research hundreds of years ago. To make this concept into a simple analogy, picture me holding a metal ball and I throw the ball down into a box of clay. If I throw the ball at 2mph into the clay, the ball goes in 4" deep. If I throw the ball at 4mph into the clay, it goes in 16" deep. If I throw the ball at 6mph into the clay, it goes in 36" deep, and so forth. The energy that gets transferred into the clay is the mass of the ball times its velocity squared (mv²). Human kinetic energy works in the same principle. However there is no visible end to this growth of energy. It keeps on moving forward.

Imagine us living just 100 years ago. Imagine the different forms of energy we did not have. Computers did not exist. Internet was still not invented. Even cell phones were not available at the time. However, if you look at the forms of energy available to us now, they are far greater in number than in 1913. This energy that we keep harnessing makes our velocity as a human race to move forward faster. And as we keep moving into the future, and as the velocity of human kinetic energy increases, it will become squared, and squared again, and again, until the power that we hold will become utterly unimaginable.

My proposal for c² + v²: Universal Thought is always with the forward movement of the human race. As stated, it wishes to experience this untapped potential energy as we keep moving. The velocity that the human race currently reached is now at epic speeds. Universal thought will always add to the movement when it can and will not slow it down, as the equation states, there can never be a (-) minus sign. It will always exists as a (+) plus.

How this formula applies to me as a personal trainer and to you who are reading this blog, I will discuss in my next post.