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Chapter 7: Gratitude

According to Wikipedia:

"Gratitude is viewed as a prized human propensity in the Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu traditions. Worship with gratitude to God is a common theme in such religions and therefore, the concept of gratitude permeates religious texts, teachings, and traditions. For this reason, it is one of the most common emotions that religions aim to provoke and maintain in followers and is regarded as a universal religious sentiment."

"A large body of recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of...well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and...Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self acceptance."

Though my formula c² + v² scientifically proves that one universal being we collectively know as "God" exists, it does not have a deduction for gratitude. Yet gratitude is a form of person-to-person transfer of energy so it relates with the concepts of potential and kinetic energy in my formula. When I say "thank you" to someone and sincerely mean how thankful I am to that person, it releases a type of energy that is very positive to both of us. The transfer of energy can be from written or verbal words, or from an email or text message, but that transfer of energy can release more positive outcomes which we sometimes seem to miss.

If it is true that the concept of gratitude permeates all the major religious texts of the world and if it is true that people who express gratitude are happier, less depressed, and less stressed with their lives, then the energy-transfer of gratitude wields much power. People left evidence of its power throughout the world and throughout history through the different religions that exist almost everywhere. Even in our modern times, the energy-transfer of gratitude shows great evidence of "personal growth" and "purpose in life." Gratitude then must open many doors for those who constantly express it. People who do not show gratitude, who will not release the form of its energy in words to others, may never have a full existing life.

Let us pretend that I am a very poor man who lives paycheck-to-paycheck in America. I walk up to an ATM to withdraw money and find that I have only a few dollars left in my account. This fact leaves me very stressed since I won't be receiving my next paycheck until next week. So money is hard to find. By focusing on this fact, my entire day gets affected. In fact, I plan in my head how I am to survive with the few dollars that I have left until my next check. This feeling of stress leaves me with very little feeling of gratitude. In fact, it completely leaves me vulnerable to the conditions that I feel that I am in.

However, let us pretend that I am that same person who wants to make a simple change in life. I want to start showing gratitude to the little things that I do have. I have to forget my problems first in order for me to sincerely thank those who are around me. Whenever someone does something small for me, I simply say "Thank you" and sincerely show it. That tiny positive energy that I am transferring will not only increase the energy level of anyone who sincerely appreciates what I say, but it also charges my own energy level as well. I begin to appreciate everything better. People actually enjoy my company rather than before when I used to complain all the time. In the long run, such positive attitude will open more doors, and I will be able to further unleash more potential energy I held back because of all the problems I felt was holding me down.

In a world where God created us with unlimited potential, and gave us the gift to unlock such potential, we must constantly show our thanks for such an opportunity. We cannot tie ourselves down by thinking we are in this alone and our lives are at best the way things are now. If we constantly look to God and say "Thank you," for putting us on Earth, to have the chance to unleash the potentials that we have, God will move towards you and help you along your growth. He will show His gratitude to you and He will gift you in innumerable ways.