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Chapter 6: Point A to Point B

If I throw a baseball down a field, I certainly do not expect that ball to travel across the Earth and land back in the very hand that I threw it from. I know that gravity will mainly affect the energy of that moving ball and the ball will fall to the ground at a certain point. We all understand this general knowledge; so we discovered ways to harness energy where we can defy gravity. If, for instance, I want to travel from my destination here in Los Angeles to Seoul, Korea, I can purchase a plane ticket and fly there. In both cases, we have a point A to start, and a point B to finish.

However, our concept of point A to point B is not always so linear. In fact, many of our goals that we wish to reach sometimes can look confusing. For example, if I wish to travel to Seoul, Korea, though I know all I have to do is board a plane to get there, I also know it will take other forms of work to complete. I may have to save money for the plane ticket. I may have to call different hotels to see if I have a place to stay. I may also have to save more money in order to survive there. And sometimes it can even get more confusing. I plan to go to Korea by December 31st in Seoul so I can celebrate the new year but the weather forecast shows that no planes can land on the 31st because of heavy snow. Not only that, my co-worker who is to take over while I'm gone decides to quit his/her job. In this case, Point A to Point B now becomes more complicated and seems even impossible to reach.

But this idea of impossibility according to my research of human potential energy cannot exist. As a matter of fact, human kinetic energy is always growing. It continually moves forward, and it grows exponentially as expressed in . Seen from this perspective, if I initiated the kinetic energy of moving towards my goal of Point B (e.g., travel to Seoul, start a new business, write a blog, etc.), then I will reach my destination no matter what. In my prior example, perhaps the target of December 31st may not seem possible. But if I keep the kinetic energy moving, then according to my conclusions of human kinetic energy and human potential energy, I will reach Seoul, Korea, perhaps at a later date and time, but I will reach it (Point B) without a doubt.

We must all remember that we are only 1 person in the whole link of the human kinetic energy chain on the entire planet. If I just keep moving towards Point B (buy a new house, find a new job, make more money, etc.), the human kinetic energy reaction will move me to Point B; in fact, there will already exist items made by human kinetic energy in the past that will help me move to Point B. The only possible limitations that I can find which will stop us from reaching our goals, or slow us down, come from our own thoughts (again, human kinetic energy never ceases & human potential energy is infinite). In fact, if we as individuals took the formula  and made into a -v², then reaching Point B will not only be impossible, but we will also set the motion of kinetic energy to move backwards, against our favor. Therefore, in order to reach Point B, in the fastest velocity in the human kinetic energy chain as possible, it requires you to always think that you will reach Point B and never for a second doubt your thoughts that you will reach Point B. And any attention that you put into stress, fears, worry, etc. of reaching Point B will only hinder your velocity and limit your human potential energy to reach Point B.

Most importantly, there exists in our kinetic chain energy of events  is Universal Thought, and it always adds to the forward movement of the human kinetic energy chain. But how can one know if Universal Thought wants me to reach point B? Something as innocent as going to Seoul, Korea may seem agreeable, but what if my desires are to destroy people's lives? That is certainly evident in the world as we see people constantly cheat, steal, and even take other people's lives through intentional, physical harm. From my understanding of the limitless potential human energy that Universal Thought created, people take advantage of that power and harness it to weaken others. And from my understanding of infinite potential energy, we as humans need freedom of thought in order to achieve more power.  So in our level of social evolution that we are in today, people continue to use that freedom of thought for reckless and brutal gains. They do not understand that if they would rather contribute to the unleashing of human potential through peaceful and loving ways, growth can happen faster for them and for the rest of the world. However, since c² does exist, Universal Thought will always seek ways to correct these problems, and any other problems that slow or stunt the forward movement of the human kinetic energy chain. And as the forward human movement grows, more peace, stability, love, etc. will continue to grow in exponential ways. Remember, Universal Thought is a living being. Universal Thought created us to experience his/her creation. And there are laws established that both Universal Thought follow and we follow to make this experience grow. The more we understand this concept as a human race, the more quickly we will establish peaceful means of living which will further unleash the potentials that we have.

As a final note, if you are currently moving towards Goal Point B, C, D etc., I must remind you to never focus on the things that put your kinetic energy level down, e.g. low amounts of money, rejections, late payments, arguments, etc., for that can seriously slow down the entire human kinetic energy chain to get you to your goal. Keep up the good work, stay positive in thought, without giving a second to negative thought, and you'll arrive sooner than you expect. Also, the more you understand that Universal Thought wants to unleash your infinite potential as a human being, I am confident that you will acquire the things that you want and need even faster and greater than you can believe. Universal Thought can influence and move the kinetic energy of countless men and women to help you achieve your desires. And Universal Thought will do so in order to experience the joy of fulfilling your desires. As for me, I am excited to see what we as humans can do in the future. I wish to experience it myself.