Timely From The Timeless by T Balakrishna Bhat - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Spiritual and Philosophical Excursions

Veda is the knowledge of the world soaked in God. As we continue our explorations of Veda we too can

taste the nectar and experience our intimacy. In Kanda 15 and 16 the Great Rishi Atharva takes us through

some deep, fascinating philosophical excursions toward God.

15.1.1-15.1.8 The envelope and friend of all continued to exist, and He activated His creative, nourishing

nature. He saw that ability in Himself and brought it out which became That Great One which has no

second- none like It. It became the Main, the Great, the Oldest, the Brahma, the active cause. He grew,

became great and became Mahadev. He became lord of all skills and became Eeshana. He alone can create

life. Clear knowledge is His stomach and creative ability is His back. With His clear knowledge He

overcomes obstacles - so say Brahmavadis.

15.2.1-15.2.28 He stood up and went forward (east); space, matter, stars and all moving things followed

Him. Anyone who speaks ill of Him is making a mistake and is a fool. But for the learned and wise, who

know the Envelope, the past and the future behave like two servants and the mind becomes an omni

mobile chariot. Success and fame run ahead of him. He stood up and moved to the right (south); all

spiritual knowledge, spiritual actions, enlightened persons and all animals followed Him. For him who

know Him all persons and animals become friends. Darkness and light, knowledge and ignorance become

his friends, name and fame come to receive him. He stood up and went backward (west). All material

knowledge, all knowledge needed for freedom and liberation, all materials of the world, leaders and great

persons followed Him and the west becomes their favorite residence. They come to him who knows Him.

He stood up and went to the left (north). All progressive knowledge, knowledge of the saints, all sense

organs, mind and intellect, the Kings and gurus followed Him, making north their favorite residence.

Success and glory come to meet them who know Him.

15.3.1-15.3.11 Learned ones are His servants, determination are His messengers, all physical forces are

His close associates who become close associates of all those who know Him.

15.4.1-15.4.18 The spring season protects them from the front (east) and the whole space works for those

who know Him. Summer protects them from the right (south), and the five elements work for them. Rainy

season protects them from the west; knowledge of the materials and the leaders and great persons work

for them. Sharadritu protects them from the north, Saptarshis and saints, kings and Gurus work for them.

Winter protects them from below; fire and earth work for them. Shishir Ritu protects them from above;

sky and sun work for them who know Him.

15.5.1-15.5.16 He will be present in appropriate forms and removing all forms of sorrow and protecting

them in the north east, south east, south west, north west, as well as half way up and half way down


15.6.1-15.6.26 He went in the downward direction. Earth, fire, herbs, plants, creepers followed Him and

will stay joyfully with those who know Him. He moved in the upward direction. Science and truth followed

Him whose favorite are those who know Him. He went in an unknown direction. The whole world and its

residents followed Him whose favorite are those who know Him. He went in a secret direction from where

the learned thought He would not return. But the perishable world, the unperishable world and the life

force (Diti, Aditi, and Indrani) followed Him whose favorite are those who know Him. He went in all

directions at the same time. All the divine materials and forces followed Him whose favorite are those

who know Him. He went in all inward directions. Parents and grandparents followed Him whose favorite

are those who know Him.

15.7.1-15.7.5 Those who know Him receive good job, devotion, greatness, good company and good food.

15.8.1-15.8.3 He loved so He became the Lord.


15.9-15.13 (50 Richas) He moves around men. (Learned ones and saints who know Him coming in as guests

uninvited, are considered as Himself paying a visit). Those who honor such a guest in an appropriate

manner receive great boons: long life, great wealth and whatever one wishes. If the guest stays for a night,

one's society becomes secure. If he stays for two nights, life in the sky becomes secure. If he stays for

three nights, all the divine life becomes secure. However never entertain or allow cheats to stay at home.

15.14.1-15.14.24 When the honored guest leaves from the east, south, west or north He strengthens one's

bravery, wealth, leadership, and work skills respectively.

16.1.6 You are the leader among the living; I (Veda, Atharva Rishi) will take you toward Him.

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